

Jada looks at Khan, then turned to the side and look at the three sitting on the bare floor, in their blue overalls with each of their hands cuffed.

“Take off their cuffs, they are also victims of circumstances.” She said.

Immediately, Khan pulled out a key from his pocket and freed their hands from the cuffs, walking back to where the rest of his teammates were gathered together with the three in the overalls.

Jada turned her attention to them and then asked.

“what are your names?”

Two of them turned their heads immediately they were asked to look at the third and more mature looking man among them, he nodded his head and they all turned back to look at Jada.

“I am Tom, this is Pete and she is Kate.” He said.

“Please forgive me for not trusting the three of you at first sight, but I am sure you will understand why I had the three of you cuffed. This is a delicate situation and any wrong move, people are going to die.” Jada explained.

She looked around the general area of the shelter they were in and took a deep sigh, then she began pacing back and forth in front of them.

“We are taking charge of this shelter for now but before we do that, we have to make some confirmation on the oxygen levels, food available and how intact the shelter itself is, I believe by tomorrow, we are to expect even more people who will flee from Budapest and the Fortress of Forge. These are the nearest cities from the Chrome shelter aside Chrome city.” She said.

“what about Chrome city? Are there no survivors?” Kate, who is in the middle of taking off her overall, asked. Having unzipped the overall and taken off her protective helmet, Astra can see her long black hair, which reinforces her beautiful eyes and fair skin. She was more beautiful that Astra had expected and Tim is already apologizing for pointing his gun at her earlier.

“you are looking at them. We are the only survivors from Chrome City. one of the alien pillars landed there and obliterated everything, even melting the Chrome walls of the city. No one in there survived,” Astra said.

“either way, we are taking over this shelter and getting it ready to receive more people by tomorrow morning, Astra, Rhoda and Jamie, go back and open the boxes with the federation seal outside in the parking space, let us be sure of what resources we have and which we are lacking, Tim and Lawrence, go mount the bulldozers we passed outside, I’ll open the side entrance to the general area, we are removing the rubble of concrete here and although we are not taking out the fallen pillar, we are not going to leave Edgar to rot there,” she said and immediately, they all immediately got to work.

“The three of you and Khan should come with me. We are checking the supplies and the entrance you followed to get in here,” she added.

Astra followed Jamie and Rhoda through the door, once again finding themselves in the large parking area of the shelter where the large wooden boxes stood. While both Jamie and Rhoda were busy checking out a box that they just opened and found the newest models of the hovering rover, Astra went straight to the monitor on the large metallic door that separates inside of the shelter from the outside.

She looked on the screen carefully trying to see if the alien monster that attacked and chased them all the way from the city, but it was nowhere to be found, but she can see the javelin that she tied to the chrome chains and shot at it some hours before, and the destroyed rover they used to throw it down the cliff, the alien monster has removed the sphere and left.

She then went back to join Rhoda and Jamie in the job that Jada has assigned to them.



Carter’s deep sea submarine has Justin docked the floating city, a super large immersive structure that is a kilometer wide in every direction from its center that floats the pacific ocean, which is also where the president of the federation reside and where the chain of command for the federation originate from.

Today, on orders of the president himself, Carter has been called back from his deep sea mission to the bottom of the Mariana trench, the deepest part of the oceans on earth to the beginning of the long predicted invasion he told them would happen when the panel set to make a decision about two months ago declared that there is no way they would just hand over the planet to an alien race that may turn humanity to food or slaves afterwards.

“you should start preparing for war then, while I understand your stance against submitting to this mysterious race that we have not even seen yet, their massage clearly sad that they will start an invasion if their terms are not met by end of next month” he warned the council.

He went back to his research on what secret may be hiding at the bottom of our very oceans, but today has been hailed back aboard the Floating fortress now that the invasion has started.

Two files of soldiers have been arranged to welcome him in a ceremonial passion, Carter may not be a politician, but he is an extreme member of the committee on science and innovation that allows for the establishment of the moon base and is the inventor of so many kinds of technology used globally today.

He walked through the files of soldiers in the bay area of the floating fortress and was taken right to the meeting chambers of the high government council he was part of.

He walked inside the meeting room, which was painted brilliant white all over. Military generals from all the different military forces the federation has have gathered to figure out a solution to the impending crisis that keeps growing by the minute. Once Carter was seated, the large screen on the wall flickered to life and a briefing on the current situation began.

“Exactly seven hours ago, the two sphere shaped objects of alien origin that broadcasted the demands of the aliens two months ago and went inactive, casting what we believe to an energy barrier which prevented us from the making contact or attacking them suddenly become active, firing what we have now believed is a weapon that destroyed the moon base along with a significant part of the moon.

A few minutes after that, three large monoliths descended on earth and landed in what we initially thought were random locations, but have now realized that they are strategic locations that divide the world into three parts and so far, we are estimating that over fifty million people have been killed by the aliens that started swarming out of the monoliths.

A majority of the world is currently taking shelter in the nuclear bunkers as we have decided in our first meeting, but there are estimated two billion people who have yet to move into the shelters near their cities, since the aliens have not reached them yet” the presenter said.

“have we tried communicating with them now that they are down here with us?” Carter asked

“We have tried, but all of our attempts have failed, even more so is that we have from all the data collected globally from the aliens encountered that they are not intelligent by any degree, all they do is kill anyone or a matter-of-fact anything that moves Sir.” The presenter answered.

“That doesn’t make any sense at all. The aliens that sent us the broadcast are clearly intelligent, with possibly similar or even more advanced technology. It makes absolutely no sense that they are not intelligent and attack anything that moves, that sounds just like a robot you will program to attack anything that moves, but…… Oh My God, it can’t be,” Carter said, realising a terrifying fact about the aliens.

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