[hair color]

Ravel bent his body in a silent goodbye, he disappeared the moment the door slid open. Zhi Ruo's face didn't change, as if their wasn't anything wrong. The masked man, now in clean clothes, and with his mask without a splatter of blood, stepped inside the room his hair in a shade of something in between blonde and and his normal dark obsidian black.

However, because of the fact that there's 'blonde' in his hair, she sincerely doubts that obsidian black is his actual hair color. As if he noticed Zhi Ruo's stare, the masked man took out a towel and rubbed it in his damp hair.

"Are you blonde?" Zhi Ruo could not help but mutter curiously. Her head was tilted to the side, curiosity coated her voice. "Or is it dye?" 

"I dyed my hair black before the tournament." Came in th masked man's curt reply. "It helped concealed my identity, though

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