Twenty One

Hoboken, New Jersey

July 1841

Cain sat here because he had to think. When he began this, he had had a plan.

“It was kill apes, create chaos. Then kill more apes. Then kill more apes. Finally, it was to kill the Ambassador.”

Now, nothing was working exactly as it was supposed to.

“First the Council decided on sending my younger brother to stop me. MY YOUNGER BROTHER THING!! He is a small picture guy. He has no concept of what I am doing. How DARE the Council believe they have the authority to stop me. No being has ever attempted to stop me.”

“Next, the Ambassador DARES to give me orders.”

“Lastly.” He stopped. He didn’t want to say it. “Lastly, thing, I have the beginnings of the Curse.”

Thing laughed, silently but heartily.

He stared at the wall in front of him. Spread out
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