75 - The Queen's Journey Part 07 - Council
Within a year of the slave revolt, a rebellion had formed, causing many hardships for the syndicates of Alaran.

The headquarters of the rebellion was where it was first formed, the slave holdings of the deceased Bai Fu, who had been one of the major players in his business.

The dug in nature of the hold made it very easy to defend and all places of the empire were within reach from the position it held, being very close to the center of the country and even closer to Chisimdi, a port city connected to the biggest river in the world, Garangos, which started from the mountains of Alaran and slithered through Chauk and Kathe and Castirin.

The syndicates were mostly in the dark about who attacked them.

The leaders of the major businesses of the underworld held a meeting to determine who it could have been.

Four out of five met in the Zauren Asiri Castle which belong to Rang Fulan, a cousin of Aini, who didn’t hold a very high rank in the royal line but still shared blood with them. Ve
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