Burning lotus forest

After that sweet conversation with my mother I went back into my room.

After entering my room, my expression changed from the earlier cherry to the usual indifferent one. I was thinking about what Lily told me after I left the dinning room.

' So I have to prepare myself ?' 

After that short conversation with the silvery hair maid which seemed to last barely 5 minutes I was forced to change my plans.

From what Lily told me the only thing that I can think of is to become stronger. According to Lily even though my mother and the whole Zechs household will protect me from everything which can possibly harm me. I will have to show everyone that I am atleast above my peers so that they won't look down on me and also to show everyone how talented I am.

I have to do all of the earlier mentioned stuff just not show that they can't touch me but also to show who's son I am.

According to Lily, after the my mother's divorce everyone is only giving h

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