Chapter Twenty- Three- The legend of the 1st summoner (2)
The legend, the legend of time that had passed on from generations to generations to all high-leveled defenders who had reached level 8, and was never allowed to be told to the ‘Chosen ones’ with the seals.

A god had once descended in the land of mortals, at that time, heroes, who were humans with powers that did good, villains, which were humans with powers that did bad and finally, fighters, who were humans with no powers but insisted on helping the weak, didn’t exist, all humans were normal and had no supernatural power.

The god had divided mortals and given half different powers while the others were without powers, those with no powers had their memory wiped off about the ones with powers and lived in peace with no knowledge of those with powers.

The humans with powers were placed on a ban to never say a word to those with no powers about their existence and five chosen ones were placed to oversee this ban, anyone who failed to keep this law was severely punished by these chose
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