Case 00


The sound of the metal door grinding against the frigid floor echoed through the confined space.

In the dimly lit and chilly room, measuring three by three with barely any visible light, only a faint glow seeped in through the barred holes near the ceiling.

This was one of the isolation cells in a highly secure prison, designed to keep the most dangerous individuals away from society.

The warden pushed open the door and stepped inside. There sat the prisoner, handcuffed in a corner. Despite the maximum security, this person was kept secluded from the lights and commotion, still bound by handcuffs.

A sly smirk could be sensed from the person seated within the feeble illumination as two officers pulled them, still in handcuffs, out of the room.

"Let's go!" the officers commanded.

The prison was meticulously designed to thwart any escape attempts, featuring multiple layers of security guards and ubiquitous CCTV surveillance.

That afternoon, Dakota was joined by Thomas, a seasoned detective in his fifties, who partnered with Dakota in the special crimes division. Thomas sported a scruffy beard, having foregone shaving for several days.

The two were stationed in a compact chamber reserved for notorious and dangerous inmates. The room was enclosed, surrounded by vigilant guards, and monitored by numerous CCTVs on the ceiling to prevent any untoward incidents.

As the door swung open, Dakota's attention shifted, and the person he had been anticipating finally arrived.

Dakota Sorenson, an exceptional young man of only twenty-three, had gained immense trust as a special consultant for the crime unit, and for good reason. Despite his youth, he was already a respected professor at a prestigious university and had astoundingly solved a murder case that had taken place at the same college he attended three years prior.

He defied any stereotypical notions of a young professor being a nerdy recluse, possessing a tall and athletic physique, and maintaining an active lifestyle. His handsome features resembled those of a model, with deep blue hazel eyes akin to vast oceans, and plump, reddish lips adding to his charm.

Physically, one would hardly suspect that he possesses such profound and intricate thoughts. Capable of delving into the minds of every person he encounters. Especially psychopaths like the individuals they visit today.

The man had strikingly dark eyes. It was so deep and intense that each breath he exhaled seemed to release an aura of darkness, akin to the black smoke of the devil enshrouding him.

The young man before them grinned, regarding Dakota with a predatory gleam in his eyes, as though Dakota were merely another prey in his sights.

"Well, well, what a flawless creature you are, almost as if heaven itself crafted you. Has no one ever bestowed such compliments upon you, my dear Professor Dakota Sorenson?"

Their paths had crossed before during interrogations at the headquarters.

Seated firmly, Thomas observed the young man named Erick Carter, a thirty-year-old psychopath apprehended just two months ago, or was he seeking capture? The circumstances were rather peculiar—after committing several murders, he had vanished, only to reappear and offer no resistance when the police finally caught up with him.

His victims, five in total, were all young women with long hair and heavy makeup. Erick particularly targeted those who walked home alone at night, holding them captive for a day before ending their lives, never allowing more than two days to pass between his gruesome acts.

None of his victims bore identical injuries, yet the gruesome mementos he left on their bodies identified him as a serial killer hungry for notoriety and fame.

He displayed no hesitation in inflicting unspeakable horrors upon his victims, viewing each act as a sickening experiment. While they still gasped for life, he callously drove the knife into their most intimate regions, reveling in their excruciating agony.

There was no trace of remorse in him.

Dakota stepped forward. His purpose that afternoon was to understand how an outwardly ordinary young man could harbor such a profoundly dark soul and whether he held any insights into the recent string of disturbing and sadistic cases.

Presenting a collection of photos, Dakota pushed them across the table in front of Erick.

For a moment, Erick smirked, seemingly scrutinizing Dakota's reaction.

"Hey, Professor, why don't we start with some coffee, relax a bit, engage in small talk? By the way, I couldn't help but notice, up close, that you possess these incredibly gorgeous grey-blue eyes. So captivating..."

Thomas furrowed his brows and crossed his arms, no longer tolerating the man's leering gaze fixed upon Dakota.

"Cut off the crab, young man. While you may have taken five lives, you're nothing compared to the atrocities committed by this individual," Thomas asserted firmly.

As those words reached Erick's ears, the smug grin on his face gradually faded, replaced by a stern expression, his eyes now sharp and focused. Thomas keenly observed him as Erick leaned forward and snatched the photos from the table.

Erick meticulously examined the images, gazing at the victims' lifeless bodies displayed chillingly on the walls. Even a young child fell victim to this madness, yet Erick merely smirked dismissively.

"Pff, how can he be better than me? He's just an attention-seeking nobody with nothing else to do, hehe," Erick retorted, attempting to downplay the significance of the other killer's actions.

Dakota lowered his head, carefully analyzing Erick's changing facial expressions. It was evident that the man was struggling to contain his emotions, biting his nails nervously. Dakota then slid the sheet of photographs back toward Erick.

"Just like you, he thirsts for attention," Dakota replied calmly.

Erick's smile grew unnervingly ugly.

"Hehe, I'm not seeking attention, but everyone's eyes are on me. I'm not some amateur like those others," he asserted.

"He may appear ordinary, I'll concede that much. Though he bears a striking resemblance to you, there are still some distinguishing features missing. However, his consistency is remarkable. Had we not known you'd been in custody for two months, we might have concluded that he could be the perpetrator," Dakota explained calmly.

Erick stared at Dakota's face as if the young professor were mocking him. He quickly surged forward, attempting to lunge at Dakota, but his efforts were thwarted by the handcuffs that kept him restrained to the table.

"He's nothing compared to me!" Erick shouted defiantly.

The officers swiftly pulled Erick back and firmly instructed him to sit down.

"Stay seated!"

Dakota maintained a composed smile, standing upright as he carefully tucked the sheet of photos into his bag.

Thomas leaned forward in his seat, addressing Erick,

"You know, Erick, your modus operandi is no longer a secret. It's entirely possible that someone is deliberately impersonating you, maybe even a fan or someone trying to discredit you. This perpetrator seems to be intentionally altering certain aspects of the crimes, almost as if they believe you're not infallible, and thus, they don't feel obligated to adhere to your methods. It's an improvisation on their part."

Erick clenched his fists, trying to suppress his emotions. However, Dakota keenly noticed the quick change in Erick's facial expression, betraying the turmoil within him.

He arched an eyebrow confidently at Thomas and Dakota, with a slight curl of his upper lip that seemed to belittle the profiler at that moment. Calmly, he shifted, leaning his shoulder against the chair.


Dakota sensed the subtle provocation and refused to be outdone. He reached for his bag as if preparing to depart.

"Thomas looks like our business here is done. Remember, we have another case to attend to," Dakota remarked.

Thomas turned to look at Dakota, understanding the unspoken signal from the young man. "Ah yes, I nearly forgot about that."

Taking the cue, the man promptly rose from his seat and followed Dakota.

"Ah, sitting for too long almost broke my waist," he remarked, offering a weak excuse for his quick departure.


Life is uncertain, but death is, to live is hard, but to take the lives, it wasn't, the fun just begins when you imagine how the living creature in front of you loses his soul, second, by second, until it stops, and your heart beating so fast as you enjoying it, even the loudest scream you can hear, was gone, and, realize, okay, that's is not fun anymore, you need to start it all over again.

~~~ Erick Carter ~~


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