
Spiritland – The land of magic, where every creature born on this land possesses a unique source of magical energy.

“A world full of magic…does it make us happy?”.

From the moment he appeared in that rich land, humans were the chosen species. They were endowed with superior intelligence and an abundance of magic.

“They—That creature—Should they exist?”.

Before long, humanity was above all. They consider themselves gods and desire to take over the entire Spiritland.

“Is… is this the right decision?”.

Then [Destiny Night] came like the anger of the gods, an asteroid from somewhere in this vast universe descended and distorted the flow of magic in this land.

In the dark night with twinkling stars in the sky, the light emanating from that planet was like a gem that eclipsed everything, a light that made us forget the concept of "Sun".

Brilliant, bright, but full of despair and death.

"Is it a dark light or a brilliant darkness?"

All life on the planet was almost completely
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