Luna's Trial part 3

And now it's time for her final opponent. This one will be the most difficult one and also where she will use her true power to show everyone what she really can do. Before Hector was announced at the beginning of the third trial, the leader of the coven stand up from her seat. This immediately attacked everyone's attention.

Luna furrowed her brows seeing the expression on her mother's face. Almost everyone could only see her expression as nothing but indifference but Luna could read her expression. Eliana was angry. She was going to do something to satiate that anger of hers. This will be definitely something that will make things harder for Luna. And she was absolutely right.

"...We will use another monster for the third stage. Hector, bring out the convict number 6 and cease that stupid jokes."

"!!! Yes, ma'am."

That's bad, thought Luna. She knew what her mother meant as the convict number 6 also known as the cold one. It was one of the only monsters she didn't want to face. It was
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