Before we go on

 as we have come this far with the story, there is something that I have felt the need to do. 

  you surely have noticed that some of the words I use are not common or do not exist in the English dictionary. well that's because they're not English (obviously).

one could check on G****e or use any other translation software but you might be led astray. not because the translation is wrong (it is sometimes) but because one word could mean different things and most translations don't take metaphor into account.

  what I'll be doing isn't translations. but rather, I'll be trying to let you see the meaning of those words from my own perspective. I won't be explaining much unless I feel it's necessary.

  so without further ado, let's get into it. 

FUBUKI: this this is Japanese word for snowstorm. in this story it is used as Natsumi's surname and it is also the name of the island most of the story's events take place. 

OTUMOPKOR: the 'O's are supposed to have dots underneath them but I couldn't make it possible. 

  a simple translation from this word would be 'occultic charm' but the actual meaning is not that simple because this single word represents multiple items of similar origins and none of these items have the same purpose. some are used for good, and some are used for evil. some are used personally and some in groups. some are used to gain riches while some are used to cause the down fall of others. each come with their own conditions and if you should mistake one for the other (which you definitely will), you will find yourself in deep trouble.

  Orie's item is an amalgamation of all these items which he controls with his intents. it is a very dangerous item that only he can utilize properly.

ORIE: In order for it not to be confused with similar sounding or similarly spelt names, I will have to explain this name.

  this name's lies within its purpose and its purpose is an age old tradition of keeping track of time. 

  long before the widely accepted standard of time became the norm, the igbo people had four days in their week (Afor, Nkwo, Eke, and Orie) . as it embedded in their tradition, markets that opens one of the days will not open on other days. Orie himself is affected by this rule so unless he is on a priestly duty, he can only be at his strongest every four days. he calls it his day because this.

GREAT ZIK: this refers to icon 'Nnamdi Azikiwe' who became the first president of Nigeria. he is looked up to by many and has become a great ancestral figure. 

UMUNNA'M: it is translated as 'my brothers' but he doesn't just mean his biological brothers, he means everyone he had ever looked up to(he considered them brothers). that's why he said "have faith in me"

NDI'ICHË: translated 'elders' but really means 'elders in council'. In igbo land, they have as much deciding power as the king. 

AMADIOHA: the guy that gets his name yelled more it is spoken. he is the igbo god of thunder and one to be feared.

ANYA'WNU: the female counterpart to Amadioha, and the igbo goddess of the sun. she is one to be revered and loved.

EIGENGRAU: eigengrau is the colour you see when you close your eyes. sounds like a cool spell to me. 

ALA: Ala refers earth(ground, soil) and its god

IKUKU: It is the forest that Orie summoned. 

OBGUN'ABALI: This is the igbo god of death, directly translated as 'one who kills at night'. he is well known for punishing evil doers.

PRIESTS: priest are known to be representatives of the gods. for each priest, there is a deity which he represents and they are sometimes granted special abilities to perform their priestly duties. 

  most priests are taken for granted because people fail to see their divine power as anything out of the ordinary.

  DIBIA: a representative like the priests but unlike them, he represents multiple gods his land. when performing his priestly duties, he may sometimes receive power from all of them. Orie's bloodline is the only known bloodline of Dibia in the story. 

PROPHETS: as the story portrays, these guys are false. they are members of the order that use the means of prophecy to keep control over the people. no one knows why though(at least not yet).

  ADA: it is a female name meaning 'first daughter'

  also, here a little note on the characters from my point. 

YANG: Shiro's phantom twin brother. he hasn't done much yet you can tell he is powerful. 

MIA: she's slightly yandere but let's not talk too much about it. 

RIN: the fact that she can beat people up without magic should be considered its own form of magic. she utilizes her tools perfectly. 

VICTOR: yeah, the teleporting genius. there isn't much to say yet. 

YAMATO: the O.P. gourmet chef. expect more from him. 

TANAKA: no need to talk, she already knows that you think about her. 

WARAMAKI: master of all elements. he's not the avatar though.

KOJIRO: he also has a strong mental barrier. he can be untouchable if he wants.

ORIE: "Ya'll just said it yourselves. It's because I'm better than all of you combined". they still haven't forgiven him for that. 

GENJI: he's not going to show up anytime soon stop asking.

LUCAS: he's the one asking the questions. 

CYPHER: he'll be back after gathering a few spare parts.

BIG JOE: .........he definitely will get his ass whooped again. 

DOUBLE DAGGER: same here. 

BONNIE: It might take a while before Shiro completes this request. 

MARKS: for some reason, Yamato turned in a lot of profit that day, mostly from tips.

MARIE: Loading.......

UZO: according to the story, this guy already knows what happens in the next few chapters. If you let I let him speak, he might drop spoilers. 

SHIN: we're getting to his story but before that, there's a different story I want to tell. the story of the one who saved Uzo's life and took him to the forest. he shall be named in the next chapter and he shall venture to the place where destiny called. he will be known in history as the first lord of Chaos. 

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