"Chronos! Chronos! Hey, what's wrong with you?!" Dark Reammut asked in panic while shaking Dark Chronos' body.

Kairi and the others looked grave. They could no longer feel Dark Chronos' breathing.

"Kairi! Help him, please?!" Dark Reammut turned to Kairi in desperation.

Her tears were gathering in her eyes. She knew Kairi could save Dark Chronos. However, Kairi's long silence was eventually understood by her as well. Finally, she shed her tears and they fell profusely to her cheeks. She turned to stare at Dark Chronos' calm face.

"Why is this happening?" She whispered in grief.

She dropped her head to his forehead and cried loudly. Kairi and the others felt her sadness and also felt their chests tighten.

“Shit!” Dark Ceilius released an angry breath.

He doesn’t know why he would be feeling sad too. Aren't Dark Chronos their enemies?

Dark Amilia sniffed and she didn’t let her tears fall. But, she sympathises with her sister who lost her lover so suddenly. She and others except Kairi an
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