You have never played chess?

The man who ordered me to sit and begin the trial was standing before me. On the other hand, I was stunned. I'd been told that this is a test on what to expect from a 4th-3rd rank rift. What was going through that man's head, I was wondering.

"Come on quickly, young man. We don't have all day, sadly."

Hurriedly I took a seat, picked black, and he started a timer. "Do you know how to play chess?" the old man asks. "Well, I've heard of it but never had a chessboard to play with." That's unfortunate uh...what was your name again. "Sorry I forgot to mention it, my name is Raphael, what do i call you?"-"You can call me Iran." he said.

I hesitated for a moment since I didn't want to claim that I was a DracoFist in front of a probable future enemy. "Raphael who, don't you have a surname young boy." he says, eagerly waiting for my move and answer. I move knight f6 and proceed cautiously. "How can a slum rat like me have a surname sir."

He was visibly amused by my

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