DOC 22
|DOC 22: SLEEP |



"Is that Uno?"

I was pulled out from staring at Uno Laviente through the lens of the sniper when I heard Sorcha's voice on my right side.

"Focus on taking those assassins down, Chara. Don't mind him, he's my business to handle," seriousness laced on my voice and I can't help it.

When I'm in this kind of situation. my other self that they don't know eventually comes out when needed. And today is one of those times.

"Whoa, chill! You need not be so hot right there!"

I shake my head as I sense her presence fading on my side. I release a sigh and neatly fix the sniper on its safety bag before getting up from laying on my front body down.

"I'll go down. Help them out from here, okay?!"

I tell her with a bit louder voice because she's on the other side of the rooftop, firing her arrows as well as her gun.

"Got it- damn! That was close!" I shake my head as I hear her curse to someone on the field, I suppose.

I didn't expect that she has t

Thank you for reading!💚💚 Enjoy!❤😇

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