Chapter 78

The scream of terror had sounded so loudly that it pass through the inside of the tunnel where was the little boy and Kate was currently

But even so it was so loud, it cannot disrupt the silence that was inside the tunnel

" ..."


Silence enguled the entire hiding place

The crowd look at the little boy with their eyes wide open as they look terrified and felt a slight tingle of fear inside their heart

It was like their eyes will pop out from their eyes any time soon as their widened eyes continue to open wide as time pass by they took in a look at the little boy transforming figure

They were in desbelief as the sudden turn of event

They were horrified because the little boy that had a harmless appearance filtered to himself a while ago was now gone and was replaced by a face of a beast

The little boy had transformed into a beast!

No-it cannot exactly be called a face of a beast

It was rather can be called a monster face and the monster figure wandering oytside this tunnel just t
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