The unexpected


CHAPTER THREE: The unexpected.





On the roof of the highrise medical building, three people came out through the elevator - a man, a woman, and a four year old boy. The man was in a white lab coat with a stethoscope hung around his shoulders. The woman wore a blue gown and held the boy's hand as they all walked to an helicopter in front. A man in white shirt and black trousers, hopped down from the helicopter to hug his wife and son.

“Are you guys ready?”, the man -Nick Sylvester- asked as he disengaged from the hug.

“ are you sure it's safe for my baby to stay here?”, she -Kira- asked, facing the doctor.

He smiled, “I've told you ma'am, Jake will be fine”

“But he's just a day old ”, she complained.

“That's why it's necessary that you go to Star city for the scans and tests”, he reminded her.

Nick hugged her from behind, “Don't worry hon, it'll be alright”

“Bye mum, bye dad”, the little boy -Ralph- waved at them as they boarded the already ignited helicopter.

“Bye. Love you!”, Kira parted with a flying kiss.

The doctor held Ralph's soft palm as they waved at the hovering helicopter.

And then, just then, at neck breaking speed, the meteor engulfed in black hue, and flames due to the gravitational field, descended from the clouds and crashed through the tail of the helicopter and collided with the road beneath, quaking the whole area whilst digging up a deep wide crater.

The helicopter spun and spun till it collided with a nearby building and exploded into flames. Almost immediately, Evex still holding tightly to black cracked ball, plummeted down on Ralph. Both of them broke through the concrete roof and fell through the hospital floors, down and down. Within the seconds of the forceful descent, everything froze except for Evex's eyeballs as he watched the ball become intangible and merged with the unconscious Ralph, glowing brightly in him. Time resumed and they landed, but in a different location. The whole landscape was filled with grasses and tall trees.

The doctor ran to the hole made by the descent and saw no one at the bottom. His right arm was dislocated due to the forceful pull from Ralph's grip.


Evex added more dry woods to keep the fire going before sitting down on a log, where Ralph was seated, consuming roasted rabbit meat.

Behind them was a make shift hut, made out of sticks and leaves.

“And that's all you can remember?”, Evex asked Ralph.

“Yes...”, Ralph mumbled through his chewing, then swallowed as he began to recall.

“Yes. My parents are...dead”, he said as tears flowed freely.

“I'm sorry child. Do you have any relative or siblings?”

“No, I'm the only child they had”, he answered with more tears. Seems his memory was still hazy at the moment.

Evex just stared at him, pondering on how he would explain everything to a four year old, that a Cosmic force had merged with him.

He sighed and stood up, “C'mon, let's go get some shut eye”


Various vans had gathered round the huge crater made by the meteor, still glowing. Two cranes stood opposite each other ready to pull up. Armed uniformed men gathered round, including the Mayor of Central city. He decided to keep this disaster away from the State government and environ cities, well, except for Star city that felt the quake.

Two men, each with yellow flags stood infront of both cranes, which had hooked into the holes of the meteorite. They waved up and down, ordering the crane drivers to pull up. Halfway up, both cranes began to tilt in the direction of the crater in their midst. The workers and armed men scampered to safety. Luckily, the ropes got torn, allowing the meteor to go back down and the cranes balanced back with a thud and accumulated dust.

“Ha! Failed again huh?”, a man mocked as he walked towards the annoyed Mayor.

The Mayor rolled his eyes, “What now Martin?”

Dr.Martin, a black american, was dressed in a blue suit, blue trousers and blue dazzling shoes. His black hair was naturally stripped with white on the right. He had medicated square glasses for his eyes.

“C'mon man, gimme a shot at this. Give the Mega lab a chance”

The Mayor looked around, seeing that their situation was hopeless. He loosened his tie and sighed “Fine you win. Do you science thing...”

“You won't regret this”, Dr.Martin appreciated and walked toward the crater.

“Probably sure i would”, the Mayor muttered.

Dr.Martin brought out a triangular device from his pocket and threw it in the hole. The device widened and glowed blue, scraping the sides of the crater. It reached and covered the meteor swallowing it whole, then disappeared in a glint of light like a turned off television.


The tall, wide, magnificent lab stood behemently at the Northwest egde of the city. No other building or form of life were visible around the perimeter.


The test unit was located under the main building. It had a metallic hallway that led in and out of the unit. The unit itself was circular, exactly 360°; big as a football field, just round instead. It held over thirty cell-like rooms with transparent doors. Animals and insects of different species were in the cells. At the center stood a metallic table, scientists moving to and fro, awaiting the arrival. A blue light shine above and expanded, the meteor fell through and collided with table below, breaking it down.

“Not surprised”, a female scientist shrugged.

Dr.Martin and the Mayor walked in, towards the black glowing meteor.

“Fascinating”, Dr.Martin marveled.

“Yeah call it whatever you want. I only need you to carry out some tests to see how safe this rock is....”, Mayor paused and turned to look at Dr.Martin in the eye.

“...don't you go all 'Einstein' and try any crazy experiments. I'm i clear?”

Dr.Martin smiled “You're the Mayor, man. Who am i not to obey your orders?”

The Mayor heaved a sigh.

The hue around the meteor began to thicken and shine brighter. Little by little, it started rattling, shaking the whole facility and taking few people off their feet.

“Is...this supposed to be happening!!!”, the Mayor managed to ask as he tried to maintain his balance.

“I don't...know!”, Dr.Martin replied.

|30 minutes ago|


Another meteor struck somewhere else in the city, it was smaller to the first one though.

Thoom! Thoom! Thoom!

Other smaller meteors followed, descending in a rampage, destroying anything in their path.

It seems the meteor had broken into fragments on its way to the planet.

Just when all hopes were lost, when it seemed like the Armageddon had showed its face on the world, the meteor shower seized and peace overruled once again.


Every other meteor that had crashed in the city started glowing also and floated off the ground. With the Mega lab as the center of attraction, they all got pulled towards the place, fast!

The facility now had a big hole in its roof as the large metoer had pummeled out of it, floating over the place, awaiting the arrival of others.

One could hear multiple sound barriers being broken as the other meteors got closer and closer. 

Black tendrils seeped out of the holes in the big meteor and connected themselves to the rest of its fragments.

The formation was like that of a circle with a big dot within it.

The large meteor - being the big dot - was trying to pull its fragments together and become whole again. Was it now sentient?

Just a little amount of Nihil's essence that had been sucked by the meteor made it - a big space rock - almost have a mind of its own. It would made one wonder how powerful a human or alien would be if they got their hands on it.

By now, the meteor had synced back to one massive space rock, hovering over the city. It only lasted for a few seconds though as the bond became unstable. Cracks upon cracks formed round it with rays of black energy peeping through them and....


The meteor as a whole, exploded into bits, washing the whole city and beyond with a wave of black colored energy.






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