Chapter 7: The Curious Case Of The Fire Woman

Yes. The cops. Although they were treated by the many as bearers of justice and beacons of light, they were actually only as crooked as the suspects they were after for the entire time. The modest of the elites would think that the cops of New Bill would have been the greatest security personnel to ever exist. The close-to-perfect government would have thought of the same thing as well. But as for those people who surrendered their innocence in the face of atrocities, all of those godly behaviours showcased by all of those godly cops were only up for a show. CROOKS. When anyone from the fine line of poverty was asked how they would describe the national police of New Bill, that was always their answer. It never changed. It was always the 'Crook,' and often the 'Crooked.'

"Would you mind if I ask for an elaboration of why you believe cops are the last person we should ask help from during situations like this?" Well asked. At this very moment, he was now at the edge of the bed. His as
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