Dinner in the Soul Za mansion

The orange sky of a short time ago slowly disappeared from the sky, giving way to the dark purple hue - making the dirt road gloomy. All that could be heard was the sound produced by the animals hiding in the trees.

It was already the evening of Kurone and Rory's second day in this world, and the duo was in a comfortable carriage, crossing the night darkness, towards the residence of the marquis Edward Soul Za.

The nobleman's mansion was far from the village called Grain - where they were imprisoned - secluded on top of a hill. When seen at night, it was very reminiscent of those in horror movies, which usually belonged to a family of vampires.

The lights began to come on, making the building brighter, and removing the air of an undead home.

Kurone enjoyed the dusk through the window of the carriage. He was trying to memorize the route to the village - if necessary, he would be prepared to run back.

"And we end up getting further and further away from our main mission... Ahhh."

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