Tom Cannon

Driving out from the estate, Luke heads out to his first stop of the day. He had planned on keeping tabs on his sister so he needed someone who could discreetly watch over her without being detected. This gave him the idea of hiring some form of private eye. Luckily for him the media had no interest in his personal life which allowed him to go to such places without worry of his actions being leaked.

Entering the office, Luke scans the intricately designed interior of the building. The walls were lined with pictures of famous people including politicians, actors, athletes and musicians. There was also a large wall dedicated solely to celebrities that died recently.

The receptionist that greeted Luke stood tall and proud with long dark brown hair that cascaded down to the small of her back. She wore a pair of black glasses that sat delicately upon her nose. She appeared to be in her late thirties and was quite attractive.

"Hello sir. How may we help you today?" She asked politely af
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