

"Who would thought that a young woman with such an innocent face can dare to kill her own mother"

Vannilope wasn't saying anything, she's just looking at the wall mirror, she's sure that it's a one way mirror and she's also sure there's a lot of people watching them from the outside.

"Come on, aren't you really going to say anything?"

For the first time before she was brought on the interrogation room her face shows emotion,

She smirks and looks at the police officer that is interrogating her.

"What should I say, officer? Will my words change your judgment? You already convicted me, I don't know if you'll still waste your time running my case in court, why not imprison me already?"

The officer smirks, being surprise with the girl's cockiness, but he still continue asking question even though she's not answering any of those.

" You're a criminology student, aren't you? Did you used your knowledge about crimes and methods to perform a perfect murder? So sad, we arrived before you even hide the body"

He said trying to push Vannilope to speak,

" You're tactics won't work on me officer, you're just wasting your time, why not just bring me to the prison already?"

She heard the officer click his tongue reaching the peak of his patient. He was about to ask another question when one man entered the room, also wearing a blue uniform indicating that he's also a police officer. He whispers something to the officer who's interrogating her and suddenly he smirks.

After whispering, the police walk towards the door and open it to get out but first he gives Vannilope a worried face.

"You want to go to the prison already, right? Congrats, dream come true, but with a twist"

He pulled Vannilope and wore her a handcuff, she didn't resist and just let gnw officer wear it to her.

"Killing your mother is a big sin, you will pay the price of your sin there, good luck, I hope you will survive"

Vannilope didn't utter anything but a sudden smirk appeared on her face.

" You know how our society works now a days in this city, killing someone is the most greatest sin you could ever had that the only way to redeem yourself is to shed your own blood or shed someone's blood to pay for it too, this is a new page of your life, I wish you luck Ms.Vannilope Lourdemier" 

'Of course I know'


Vanillope spit the blood from her mouth and wipe the blood on her forehead, she's feeling dizzy but she need to reach her bed first,

It's been three days since she was brought to this big prisoned, the biggest prisoned in the city, and within those three days they're doing nothing to her but torture, make her work and worst seldomly give her a foods.

That's the rule of the prison where she is now, if you're new there you will be treated like a rug and you will be beat until you can't take it, the difference is that it's the officers and the guards who will harass and torture you.

She lay down in her bed not minding the blood that will stain the mattress, she's been thinking a lot of things during these past three days and one of those is her brother, she's worried about what he's doing right now.

She sigh and close her eyes letting the darkness consume her,

When she woke up she immediately go to her bathroom and soak in the shower, it's a good thing her dizziness is already gone, she turned off the shower and go to the cabinet near her bed, there are three pairs but same design, it's a black jacket with a black pajama, everyone of them were wearing the same garments.

"We will unlock everyone's door, hurry and go to the dinning area or no food will be left for you"

She dried her hair upon hearing gne speaker and suddenly the door automatically opened, it's an automatic door controlled by a robot.

When she went out she also saw a lot of prisoners come out from their room. She's been eating with them for three days but she's not approaching or talking to anyone.

They form in line as they enter the small door of the dinning and are holding their own plates.

Vannilope look around, different faces but all of them have something in common,

Everyone around here were a killer or killed someone, that's how their city works, you'll be given a pardon for a minor sin or there's a separate prison for those people who don't have a major sin like being a thieft, raping, kidnapping and anything, just don't kill, for them killing someone is tjeost greatest sin.

After a few minutes of lining up she finally got her food, she saw a vacant table and was about to go there when someone bumped her making her food throw to the ground.

The whole dining room went silent upon hearing the stainless plate touch the ground.

"I-I'm sorry..."

The woman who bumped her said, Vannilope raises her head and looks at the person who's responsible for her wasted food.

She stares at the woman with blonde hair with no emotion, she's just staring at her but it looks like she was about to cry.

"I-I'm really sorry! Oh no...please have my food, just please...just please don't hurt me! I just have a lot of wounds from torture please...don't hurt me…"

And Vanillope's right, the girl is already crying, the people around them were just looking and observing if what will happen next, for them food is the most important thing, they were only given a food one times a day, nothing more, if your food will be wasted then you're doom.

Vannilope clicked her tongue and walked past the girl.

"Forget it"

She was about to head outside but the girl grabbed her wrist, with glaring eyes she looked at her.


"At least...share this food with me"

The girl said while sobbing,

"No thanks, it won't be enough for two people"

"No! I insist! Please?"

Vanillope tsked and rolled her eyes as she walked towards a vacant table, the girl happily followed her.

"Here, let's share!"

Vanillope didn't utter anything and just stared at the food, it obviously won't be enough for the two of them.

"By the way, my name is Jane, you?"

Vanillope raise her brows,

"Why would I give you my name?"

Jane pouted,

"Come on...please?"

Vanillope took a bite of the meat,

" It's Vannilope"

"Hmm, nice name"

Vanillope didn't answered, it's the first time someone approached her and talked to her since her first day there, and unluckily, because of this girl her food was put to waste.

"Are you also being accused of killing someone that's why they sent you here?"

Vanillope stop from eating and look at Jane,

"How can you tell?"

She ask,

"You don't look like you can kill someone"

Vanillope just chuckled,

"That's exactly why we have a quote saying 'Don't judge someone by its cover', how about you? You were accused, that's why you're here?"

She nodded,

"One of our friend pushed someone on the rooftop of our school and it happens that I was there, he told the cops that I was the one who push the girl, the cops believed him because her father is a governor"

Vanillope just stare at the girl and wasn't able to speak, she look around and pause when she saw a number on the ceiling, 

'No.3554 Vs. No. 2954'

" What's with the numbers up there?"

She ask,

Jane stopped from eating and look at her,

"You didn't know?"

"Should I ask you if I know?"

"Right...every months the prison performs a battle between a prisoner, it's either dead or be dead, you must kill your opponent"


" Then if you kill your opponent? Would they grant you a reward?"

"No, but I know they will send you somewhere, I don't know where but they said you will be send to somewhere far from here, something that is more cruel than here"

That caught Vanillope's attention,

" More cruel than here?"

" Yeah, I don't know more information but it's either, you will die here or you will die to 'that' place"

Vanillope stared back at the ceiling,

" What's your number?"

Vannilope ask Jane without looking at her,

"Eh? What about yours?"

"I ask you first"

Vanillope reasoned out,

"Nope, we aren't allowed to give our numbers to other prisoners"

"I see..."

" Goodbye Vannilope! See you!"

Jane waves her hands before entering her room, Vanillope just stares at her before entering her room, the door automatically locked as soon as she enters.

Vanillope opened her cabinet and stared at the number of the paper given to her as she entered the place, she was told to not give it to anyone.

'You'll be prisoner 3554'

Vanillope sigh and tore it apart,

"So my opponent will be no.2954 huh? I wonder who is it"

She said to herself and lay down on the bed,

" I didn't eat much, tomorrow will be the battle yet my stomach is empty thanks to that clumsy girl'

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