Chapter 5

General Marti walked into a car where a soldier in a driver seat. General with his rude character said to the soldier, “Why are you calling me here and you ran out of the operation.” The soldier who was in a lower rank than General Martin, on shame but having something important to say responded,

“Boss I have something important to show you.”

“Do you how much I loosed in that operation? I know why I told you to go in masses.”

“Am here to break you that all is not lost.”

“What do you mean?”

The soldier turned on the light to his car that was currently dark because of the night and the place of the meeting was somewhere far from people to play thing down. Then the soldier turned back where it intrigued General Martin where he also face at the back seat of the car.

General Martin smiled immediately he noticed the woman and the daughter at the back seat that were unconscious was Victoria and her daughter. General still admiring the look he said joyful, “Once you did something important I will rethink about that monthly tip now.”

A gulp of a bucket of water thrown to Victoria who was unconsciously chained, the cold gulp of water with force it slapped her making her jump off her unconscious state. As an ill person she slowly opened her eyes because of the long sleep that was caused by the drug that was sprayed to by the soldier. As if she was expecting it she open her eyes to find General Martin with some other soldier without fear.

With her motherly loved without caring her current situation she asked, “Where is my daughter?” General Martin who was expecting her to tens all over he answered with a deep voice to prove he was the head, “Dou know why are you here?” Victoria answering if she did not care about the rank of General nor what she was going to be done she responded,

“I know why am here all I want is to see my daughter so that I can talk if there is something to talk.”

“I don’t want you to talk all I want is use you as a bait.”

Victoria giggled and answered, “That thing is a beast I don’t know why are you trying to cross it line and it will defeat you at least.” General as a wise man he responded,

 “He is a man and every man has a weakness.”

“That is not a man is a wild beast.”

“200 years ago a community in Kericho had a prophet that predicted the coming of the white men and the man saw how the white men would turn them into slave. So using the dark arts, they created a beast called Duba. This beast was made by conjuring an ancient demon into a man’s body. The beast was to protect the Kalenjin people from the white men but before the completion of the mission, it loosed it control where after a long story the witches made a medallion that was to stop the invisible beast. So he is a man and he has weakness.”

“And now what do you want to do with the beast?”

“A power like that is needed to be given those who can control it not some a farmer’s son.”

Suddenly the lights to the room blinked where it made every body pause in a suspicious look. Before General Martin and Victoria moved back to their conversation a soldier entered in the room in a storm as if the devil was chasing him which attracted the attention of everybody ibn the room where they all faced him. Without wasting any time as panting because of quick run, that he had to do to take the information to the General with an immediate effect he said to him, “The beast is here!”

General Martin turned to Victoria as he was smiling as if he was expecting it he said, “I knew he would come for you, you do have a connection with him.” The words rendered Victoria silent where General walked out with the soldier.

At the institution, large gate the ten feet tall, heavily masculine beast was banging the gate so hard that were causing a terror. In the other side of the gates soldier were aligning themselves heavily armed ready to attack. General Martin walked to the soldiers at the gate, stopped beside the wise soldier and said, “Sergeant Jack, How long can the gate hold?” Jack turned to the General and responded,

“The beast it’s too strong for the gate so it won’t hold long.”

“When it break the gate fight it as if it was your last fight this time we must defeat it.”

Suddenly the gate bangs stopped where the soldiers paused in suspicion. In the silent pause and suspension, suddenly the wall was broken into two where the beast walked through while roaring. The soldiers immediately faced the beast where they all opened fire to the beast.

Victoria always prepared for such a situation she took a pin out of her shoe where she used the skill that she had to pick locks to open the chain. When she opened it, she slowly walked out of the room that was unguarded at the time because every soldier was out fighting the beast.

In the other side, the soldiers were shooting the beast that felt as if the bullets were drop of water to him. In return, the beast that was hitting the soldier with its massive fist breaking them while killing others. General who was at a distance watching how his men were being defeated by the beast, he got pissed of where he shouted, “Release the waves.” The soldier who was beside him said, “But our men are there, the wave will bust their eardrum off.” General faced him with a look as he has being losing all his life and that was his only shot of life and said, “I said release the wave.”

The soldier saw the boss was serious and without considering the other soldier he took a radiophone and said, “Drop the first wave.” After the radiophone orders both soldier and General Martin took some earbuds off their pocket and stick them on their ears.

The ground had some raised pylons that were facing the war ground and had large metallic disks. As the orders, the disks that were speakers started producing out an irritated frequency to the ears. The frequency was so strong that made both the beast and soldiers to kneel weak on the ground while they were trying to close their ears.

General Martin who was already protected his ears was standing still happily looking as the sound waves making the beast weak. As if the soldiers were all knowing the effect of the sound waved they took earbuds of their pocket place them on their ears where they all watch the beast as it was being weakened by the sounds.

Then the pitch of the frequency sound was added where it made the beast to kneel weak on the ground holding his ears as it was roaring due to the pain. When they were all convinced that the sound was going to take the beast down suddenly the beast gathered its last strength where it took a metal piece and threw it to the disks to destroy them. Without a thought, the force of the metal piece flew and destroyed the disks.

This made every body pause in an astonished and this is when the general knew that this beast was undefeatable. The beast looking angrier it rose from the ground while panting and faced General Martin as if it was giving him a massage you are next. Before the beast made a move a missile was thrown to him where without caring the blast held the body if the missile before it bang him and faced the soldiers.

Then the missile that it was holding due to range it smashed it where it exploded on its palm. And due to anger that was driving the adrenaline in its blood the explosion did not made him move an inch nor a burn all that the missile it’s the fire washed out of him. This moment General saw death looking at him and he knew this was his last view of this beautiful world.

Majestically the beast walked to where the group of soldiers were gathered facing him knowing what very they do they will not stopped the beast. On the beast was to the shocked soldiers who had no strength to escape he came across a military truck where it punched it off its way.

In good luck before the beast reached to destroy General Martin a soldier came forth with Lynn as he was pointing a gun to her. The beast added speed where General who had noticed the situation of Lynn shouted to the beast, “If you make a move he will shoot her.”

The beast, which was in concern of Lynn it stopped where General fully confirmed the person who was driving the beast, was a weakness of love. And using love as the weapon he said, “If you want her to walk out of here alive you need to surrender.” The beast that stopped and looked at Lynn in innocent eyes where the General interpreted the beast had already given in to his idea. He took out of the golden medal and said to the beast still as he was afraid of the beast next move but had to pretend to be strong, “I have to put this on you so that I can confirm you have surrender.”

The General who was still afraid of the capability of the beast he handed over the medal to a soldier beside him a where the soldier as a brave man walked to the beast that was untouchable and in doubts slowly placed the medal to the Beast neck. Immediately the medal that was a weakness to the beast made the beast slowly turned to Ben that was made visible by the roaring the Ben did.

After a moment of the beast running to human Ben turned to a rock statue where all soldiers rushed to him and chained him with massive chains as if they were trying to chain the devil himself.

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