Chp. 2

" ( The prophecies hero ? Their last hope ? What- what the hell happened just now ? I'm not dreaming am I ?

Those people- No, there's something more important than that- the hero…….if what they said is true, if all of the things we just saw was real- then that means the hero is among us, 

Urgh- My head is hurting so bad, it hurts, I should have stayed home today, even if I sleep all day, it's still better than getting headaches from time to time. ) "

I thought to myself and then checked my phone.

[Message notification]

From- Mom

[ Cain, where are you ? Did you get the eggs and milk from the store ? ]

From- Dad

[ Why is it taking so long for you to come home ? Do I need to remind you what will happen if you don't get home before 7pm ? ]

" ( Seriously, he should be grateful that Mom is such a softie, otherwise I would have kicked him out of the house already, he's such a waste of a human being. ) "

I thought to myself in anger.

That's right, I don't have a great relationship with my so called father, well he's not my biological father, apparently my father passed away when I was just 3 years old, my mom married this guy 2 years after my father died, to be honest I don't even know what she sees in him, always keeping her at home and giving orders like he's the boss.

Well, I should be going home for now, because of what happened just now, my heads all over the place, no one knows who they were or why they were here, it's best not to think about that for a while.

I got the eggs and milk from the store and then sent the message to both of them saying ' I'm coming '  .

I then slided the phone in my pocket and was on my way to my house.

After roughly 10 minutes, I got home.

" I'm home. "

I said and entered the house and was taking my shoes off.

" Welcome home, as expected, my son got everything I needed, such a good boy isn't he ? "

Mom said to me while she smiled happily.

This is my Mom, she is a bit clumsy and always smiles even when we are crying or are sad because she doesn't want us to feel bad over something and always is there for us.

" Yes Mom, brother sure is a great son and a great older brother too. "

My little brother said to me,

This is my little brother, Rei. At first he didn't really talk to me that much because I wasn't his real brother, technically step brother but whatever, I just thought he hated me for reasons I don't know but as time passed, we started to come closer and now we have a great relationship.

" Haha, you cheeky little- "

I approached Rei and was pulling his cheeks.

" Oww, ow- Sorry sorry, wait no- I didn't even do anything ? "

Rei said to me and was resisting my hands to pull his cheeks.

" Hehe. "

Both Mom and I laughed at him.

" Oyee, what did I say to you ? "

And here comes the voice of a man that I hate the most.

My not so real father, whom I would never even talk to but have to because of my Mom.

" Whatever you mean by that. "

I said to him,

" Dear, I told him to get groceries for me so that's why- "

He interrupted her and said,

" You don't speak in between, I'm talking right now. "

" So, what did I say to you ? Come home before 7, and what time is it right now ? "

Father speaks to me in a cold manner.

" …….It's 7:20. "

I replied to him.

" Then ? Why were you late ? "

Father said to me.

" ……………"

I was quiet, I didn't say anything, not because I was scared of him, not because I didn't have an answer to that question, but because even if I say something, he will take it as if I was talking back to him.

" You are grounded for the next two days, you are to study for the upcoming test and not play or slack off, no leaving home, no phone, no games, and if you disobey me, I will do things much worse than this. "

Father said to me and was about to leave but I said,

" Haa, I'm really sick and tired of your nonsense. "

There was dead silence, no one said a word for the next 20 seconds, my brother put his hands on my mom's shoulder and was moving her back little by little. I guess he realised what was about to happen now and he didn't wanted Mom to see that.

" What...did you just say to me ? "

Father asked me in a cold tone.

" Why do I have to answer you ? No- why do I have to listen to you ? Who even are you to me ? "

I said to that man in a cold tone too.

" Cain, you shouldn't talk to your father like that- apologise to him this instant,

Dear let him go this once, he's just tired- "

I interrupted Mom and said,

" Mom- just this once, how about you let me talk ? Please, I don't want you interrupting me now.

Rei, take her with you inside your room. "

I said to Mom and then said to Rei.

" You bastard, you know that I run this house right ? I'm your father and you have to listen to what I say- "

" Hahahaha, you ?? My father ??? Who do you think you are to call yourself my father !!!!!!! Oh and what did you just say ? You are the owner of this house ? You run this place ?

My father was the one who bought this place and my mother is the official and legal owner of this house and you say that you run this place !!!!!! "

I yelled at him.

" SHUT UP- another word from that mouth of yours and I will be kicking you out of this house. "

He yelled back at me.

" You- shut the fuck up !!!!!! You aren't doing a damn thing to me you bastard !!!!!! I'm going to my room, I will eat there and sleep there all according to me and my own, you will not dare to even knock on my door or I'm calling the fucking police on you. "

I yelled even louder at him and took the food and went to my room and locked myself in.

There was dead silence, I couldn't hear anything else from beside the door, I'm guessing he finally realised now that he can't control me.

I ate my food in silence and texted Rei to help Mom eat her food and just stay with her for the time being.

He texted me back saying ' ok ' .

I tried to get my mind to do something else and I decided to look for the incident that took place in front of my eyes.

I took my phone out and was trying to search for articles and news that included today's incident.

There was not a single one ?

I searched more on the internet and there were some articles about it but there were no videos or pictures ?

It's weird, how can that be possible ??

Did those people take out the videos and pictures even before anyone could take them ??

My headache started to come back and this time it was not that good. I took the plates and kept it outside the door for either my brother or Mom to take it because I was not leaving this place for a few days.

I'm glad that I have a bathroom and toilet for myself at least.

I laid on the bed and slept almost immediately.

Next day, I woke up pretty early in the morning,

It was 6:30 am.

I decided to go out of my room to check if anyone was awake,

there was no one,

I then wore my clothes and went outside to jog.

If I remember correctly, the mark on the hero is supposed to happen tomorrow.

I was still thinking about what happened yesterday, I went home after a while for jogging for more than 20 minutes, my mom was up and was making breakfast, she was smiling this time too but it was obviously to keep herself together, I didn't say anything and just went to my room, I laid on the bed and waited for a while, after 10 minutes, I got a knock on my door, I half opened it to see who was there and saw there was food outside, I saw Rei sitting on the table and waving at me.

" ( I guess at least those two care about me. ) "

I thought to myself.

I then took the food inside and after eating it, I kept the plate outside the door.

I searched for the incident once again and there were a few more articles about it now.

Some call it ' Real ' and some call it ' Fake '

There are even those who call it

' God's messenger '

" ( Ha, all these people, don't they have anything better to do ? " God's messenger ? " What bullshit even is that ? ) "

I thought to myself.

I was pretty much exhausted at this point because I wasn't getting anywhere with his,

" It's tomorrow huh……….I guess I'll check on my Mom, she hasn't really talked to me since that day. "

I got up and left my room.

I got to my parents room, I didn't cared if that bastard was inside, I was there to talk to my Mom and see if she was doing ok,

I knocked on the door and waited,


" Yes ? "

It was Mom's voice. 

I was silent, probably because I couldn't find a way to talk to her, after a full 10 seconds I opened my mouth and said,

" Mom….it's me. "

" Cain ? Is that you dear ? Why didn't you say so before ? Come in. "

Mom said to me and opened the door for me.

I stood outside awkwardly for about a few seconds and then went inside, she told me to sit on the bed and wait for her till she brings some snacks for me, I said to her to not bother but I guess she was not having that, she went and came pretty quickly and brought me some fries with sauce.

I was just sitting there in silence trying to keep myself together and wanted to say sorry to her for what happened yesterday but she looked at me and just said that if I want to apologise I should be doing that to my father……….I was sure that I may have heard her wrong but I wasn't, she really said that I should apologise to my father which made me feel even worse because I was not gonna do that, I got up, left and went to my room and locked myself up again, she tried to talk to me but I just thought it was useless at this point, I changed into my night wear and just went to sleep.

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