"Darling, have you uploaded your video yet?" Ianna's mom asked her.

“Yes, mom. Let's just wait for what we can get. For now, you will take care of Woni's milk first,” she replied. Her mom nodded. "Don't worry, mom, we can get more money, my subscribers are increasing, and also my viewers."

“All right, just be careful at school.” she really can't afford to let go of YouTube, she just has to endure the dirty food she eats for their expenses and her savings

After all, it's just a little time before she can finish high school. She also thought of applying to be a maid when she graduates so that she can save for college. Or else, she will try to be a valedictorian so that there is a good chance that she will get a scholarship. But, it seems difficult to beat Shatile, because she is really smart and she's the candidate for that position.

The school is only a walking distance from their place so it is also worth it for them to move there. She doesn't need to commute anymore, she's lucky especially since she has no money if ever she had to commute. While walking, she saw Shatile just coming out of a two-storey house near their own house. She's surprised to find out that they're neighbors.

"Shatile!" Shatile turned around so she smiled but she just ignored her. She just turned around and sped up the pace. She would have chased her but she thought that she might be going to smell sweaty. So, she just make a sigh and walk slowly. Why is Shatile ignoring her?

She didn't even realize that she was already in front of the gate wondering why Shatile seemed to be avoiding her.

"GREEN HILLS ACADEMY" she read what was written above the gate. The paint of its letters is also old and the others are already rusty. Why don't they fix it? She remembered again what Elai and Lynna were telling her about the school, was that true? Or just rumors?

"This school was built in the 1940's." she turned his attention to the man who had just spoken.

"Good heavens! You startled me, sir. ” she said to the guard on duty at their gate. It looks like the guard is in his late 70s. Despite his age, he still looks strong.

“ACADEMIA DE LAS COLINAS VERDES is the former name of the school. A British was then the owner of this school but Japanese people built the buildings and facilities here. The school has been through a lot. There are many secrets, many hidden crimes.” she was horrified by what the guard said. "Do you know why they are not fixing anything in here?"


“As many as died here, so many spirits live here. Every part and corner of the school is inhabited by ghosts and spirits." she was devastated by what she heard. "The teachers here are afraid that they might disturb the spirits and lose luck."

“L-luck? Haven't many people died here? H-how was that lucky?”

“Since the Theologo family bought this school, it seems that the number of talented graduates has increased. That is why this school is recognized elsewhere. What foreigners don't know is that many people die here on graduation day. So, be careful—”

“Ianna! Hurry up, we'll be late.” she almost lost her breath when Marco tapped her. "Who are you talking to?"

"Oh. It was the g-guard," she answered then she pointed to the guard but her chest throbbed when she saw that the guard was gone. She even looked around and looked inside the guard house but no one is there.

“Who? The guard? This school has no guards, Ianna.” Marco chuckled.

"What? There's no guard in here? Does that mean anyone can get in?” The young man just nodded and then they started to walk to their classroom. Who was the guard she was talking to earlier? If no one is guarding this school, then this school is really scary.

It almost breaks time and she still can't forget the guard she saw earlier. Who is that? She was sure about what she saw was real, she even talked to him.

"Ianna," he looked in front of her, it was Kit. HE's standing in front of her chair. It was break time already because she saw that some of her classmates had already left the classroom. She might be in a deep thoughts.

“Oh, Kit? Why are you here?” she looked at him then she stood up also so that they could face each other.

"All right Kit, tell her!" Lynna added while smiling.

"Say what?" she asked out of confusion. She even turned to Lexi who suddenly stood up in the chair and walked out.

“Ah. Ianna… ”she looked at Kit again. He seemed to be sweating and could not look directly at her. "Can I court you?"

It was as if a horse ran into her heart when she heard that. Did she hear itright?

“Yieeeeee! Go Ianna, please give Kit a chance! Kit really has had a crush on you since your day one here!”


IANNA wasn't the only one who was surprised about Kit confession, but even Shatile. Shatile was really shocked because since Kit became her classmate, she hadn't seen him flirt with women. That's why she has a crush on him secretly. That's why her heart is almost broken because right in front of her, Kit just confessed to Ianna.

For the first time, she stood up and came out. She doesn't really go out every breaktime, only now because she can't stand what she sees.

“Oh my gosh! Looks like someone is jealous.” She heard Elai, she is really annoying. Come to think of it, no matter how quiet she is, Elai still sees her.  She heard Elai laughing so hard. "Don't go out, Shatile! People outside might just be scared."

"Elai stop just leave Shatile alone." no matter how rude she was to Ianna, Ianna will always defends her from friends.

She's annoyed. She was disgusted with her face. She's annoyed about  Ianna’s beauty, she's annoyed because it was Ianna who Kit wants not her! Ianna gets what she really wanted. She was annoyed because no matter how smart she is, still, she's an outcast because she was ugly. She also hated Elai's group so much.

She hurried to walk out. Especially when she heard Kit's ask Ianna to have a snack together.


IF only Eana couldn't be with Elai every break time, she really doesn't want to be with them these past few days. She wasn't even notified that today is the day that they will start Elai's plan to make Ianna fall for Kit.

She has been in love with Kit for a long time. Even though she knew that Kit was just pretending to court Ianna, she still couldn't help but feel jealous and angry with Ianna. Now, she can feel how Elai and Lynna feel about her. It's really annoying.

"Are you okay?" Elai asked. "You're not in the mood, are you sick?"

"N-no, I'm okay, Elai." she forced a smile. "I better get going, I'm going to the library, we'll have an exam later," she said before leaving. She hasn't even finished eating yet.


“WHAT did you say? Someone is courting you?” Ianna was nervous at her mom's question. After a month since Kit started to court her, she finally told her mom. She is afraid that her mom will get angry.

"Y-yes, mom."

"Are you sure that he is serious with you?"

“Yes, Kit is quite kind. The truth is, I was the first woman he ever courted. ” In a month of Kit’s courtship, she got to know him better. He is always treats her to lunch and snacks and from time to time she receives chocolate. He is very sweet to her.

Just a little time then she will accept him as a boyfriend. She already loves him. Besides being handsome he is also kind and caring.

“All right, just don't trust that man too much. With the number of men, I've been with, they always want the same thing. Your femininity.” her mom said. Maybe, not all men are like that. She said in her mind.

What if she will make Kit her official boyfriend? After all, she was sure of how she felt. She just has to say yes to make him hers. She makes a smile and then dialed Kit's number.


“WHAT the hell Kit? Haven’t Ianna answered your love yet? We have been waiting for almost a month.” Elai was impatient to wait.

"What babe, don't put pressure on Kit."

“I agree, Elai. He is just forced to agree about the plan.” Marco added. "Don't push him too much, he might quit. You want that?"

“You can’t quit, Mark Kit Teologo!” he even threatened. He mentioned his full name to make her feel that he was not joking.

“But Elai,‘ I can’t pretend anymore. Besides, Lexi is very angry with me, just a little bit and she will report it to dad. I don't even know how to be into a relationship—" he stopped talking when his cellphone vibrated. "It's Ianna,"

"Answer it," they ordered so he did. Elai made smiled because she felt it was a piece of good news. After the call, Kit looked at his friends.

"She said yes," he said.

“Okay, let’s proceed to our next plan! Destroy Ianna Maria Conception's heart and dignity!”


"NEIGHBORS! PETER'S  DEAD BODY HAVE BEEN FOUND!" Juana almost gasped as she ran and shouted that Pedro had been found. Pedro is a neighbor and wife of her friend Puring.

“Really? Where is it?” Rosa asked one of her neighbors.

"It was also in the place where Karding was found!" she's announcing it. "Did you know that Peter also has no internal organs too?"

“Really? Alas, there really is the killer here among us!”

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