Chapter 9 - Death And Vessel

Chapter 9 – Death and Vessel

     Silas turned his head back to the bear which was running in a fast pace toward him, he lifted his hand to the air realizing that the bear was too close for him to attack.

      The bear instantly lifted into the air making it impossible for it to advance any further. Silas pressed him palm into a ball while the bear movable joints bent into strange positions with loud cracking sound, he stood up from the ground with his hand still fixed in the air while making a direct eye contact with the bear. Silas instantly spread out his hand like he was calling for a hug while the bear widened it body with a loud roar.

Silas brows fuzzed with narrow eyes, he raised his hand further into the air and with a sudden movement began to swing it from the left to right. Meanwhile, the bear began to bang recklessly on the sand which sudden got red of blood. He heaved a sigh of relief and finally released his hand leaving the bear to crash on the ground.

     Silas who was already exhausted tilted his head to Ghou and the others who still battled with the slimy eels. He was about to run toward them to help but just then he stopped himself

    After all, I have my own territory to protect!

    Silas turned around and walked back to his guiding post ignoring them.


     Ghou suddenly got sadden realizing that Silas ignored his crew instead of helping. He had been watching him with the corner of his eyes for some time while fighting the glue vomiting eels.

Feeling disappointed he focused his attention to the eels, though they were in the basic tier but it was difficult due to their extravagant size.

     After a short period of time, Ghou and the other guards were done fighting the eels without any form of misfortune. Feeling exhausted, they headed to the gate and rested on it.


     Ghou sat on his sofa counting the gold coin Kiara offered to him, the side of his lips curled upward and his cheeks flushed with red

“Wow, ten gold, it’s so much.” He packed the coins back into it bag and kept it safely under the thick rug beneath the round table.


    Ghou laid on the sofa and closed his eyes, today was a very stressful one and he was very exhausted as to his use of excessive mana consumption during the fight in the wall. Just then him mind ran through the memory of how Silas ignored him easily when he saw him and his crew in trouble.

Maybe he avoided us cause of his voice!

   He shrugged and shut his eyes ready to fall into a long slumber.


     Ghou sprang up from the sofa and ran toward the door, it had to be a guard from Kiara since he knew no one else. He opened the door immediately to meet Pengfei and Xia Dou who stood in front of the door. Peng wore a long sleeve and a long black trouser while Xia wore a baggy gown made of fur.

“Hey.” Pengfei said nervously which a forced smile, Ghou was going to shut the door immediately but he stopped himself, there was absolutely no need for him to be harsh especially with the cute eyes Xia had on her

“Come in.” Ghou walked back to the sofa and sat on it, Peng and Xia walked in immediately and shut the door. Xia and Peng stood in front of the door without a brief motion while staring at him with an apologetic gaze

“Ghou we are sorry for ignoring you for such a long time, do you forgive us.” Xia blundered out with her palms placed together. Ghou turned his gaze to Pengfei who stood there with motion making both side of his lips to curl downward unconsciously

“So why are you guys apologizing.” Ghou’s gazed was fixed in that of Peng whose iris momentarily began to turn purple. Ghou’s brows instantly furrowed upon seeing his condition

“Xia, what’s happening to your brother.” Ghou asked not turning his gaze from Pengfei. Xia turned to Peng and began to shake him violently.

“Get away from me.” Peng shouted and instant drew a dagger out of his sleeve, he pushed Xia away and violently ran toward Ghou who stared at him with confused eyes. “The vessel will have their revenge.”

    Pengfei now stood few inches from Ghou and then threw the dagger toward him.

“Eh Peng what-” Ghou jumped away from his posture to the opposite side and fell abruptly on the ground

“Peng, what are you doing.”

“You, you killed my brother, even after knowing what we passed through.”

“Peng!” Ghou stood up from the ground staring at Pengfei who stood in front of the couch which was torn holding the dagger on his hand “I didn’t kill Funji , the empress did and by the way he was all bloodlust and even ready to kill me.”

“That doesn’t explain anything.” Pengfei turned to Ghou and dashed toward him with his palm tightened on the weapon

“Then why didn’t you save him.”

     Pengfei being few inches from Ghou swung his hand to the air, his nostril breathed out thick steam while his pupils dilated confirming his readiness to slit Ghou’s throat. Just in the right time, Ghou parried the blow by catching the handle of dagger and forcefully smacked it out of his hand.

“You disgrace, how dare you.”

     Ghou had taken enough, who was this guy that suddenly became violent, Peng had never been like this from the beginning of their relationship until now, he did not even possess any ability making him a mere human.

“Shut up Peng.” Ghou violently threw lashes of fireball to Peng whose eyes immediately widened, the ball of flame were approaching vastly and multiply not giving him a dodging chance.

“You fool.” Xia who had been watching quietly the whole time ran toward Peng who instantly fell to the ground

“What have you done.”

“I – I’m sorry.” Ghou was speechless, he was blinded by anger and had unconsciously attacked him and was now realizing his mistake.

What have I done!

“Peng, brother Peng please wake up.” Xia cried tapping and shaking his body violently. Pengfei body already felt cold and lifeless and was moving only with the help of Xia who pushed his back and forth.

    Xia instantly sprang up from the ground and turned toward Ghou who stood there motionless, his eyes were bloodshot red and watery with tears while her nostril drew out whitish transparent liquid.

“Ghou, how do you want me to live when you know Peng is the only person I can call a family as a result of my stupid parents and my brother you killed.”

“I – I am sorry.”

“Sorry, what are you sorry for eh, killing my brother.”

     Ghou brows furrowed upon what he saw, his eyes had subconsciously widened confused of what he currently stared at, his gaze was locked on what his eyes seemed to be seeing, his jaw dropped unexpectedly which he found extremely difficult to close


“Shut up Ghou, brother Peng is dead cause you killed him.”

“No, look behind you.”

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