Chapter 5

It's been two days since Arion and Auristela wandered around Grassland aimlessly. Visiting some taverns and cafes in addition to lunch and dinner, also to find work.

Arion doesn't want to just spend the money his father gave him so that no one gets suspicious, why are they able to rent rooms at high prices and eat at cafes every day when they're not working? Although many come to Grassland just for a vacation to spend the money their parents have.

However, Arion was not like that. Even though his parents have abundant wealth, he wants to feel the money from his sweat. This is also one of his goals when he leaves the palace, which is work.

Auristela looked up at the bright sun. She was waiting for her twin brother who was applying for a job.

Arion forbids Auristela to work, but Arion is also not willing to leave Auristela alone. Of course, they compete for arguments about it. Auristela doesn't want only Arion to work, they have to help each other. So, Arion told Auristela to learn to cook. Finally, it was decided, that while Arion was working, Auristela took a cooking class.

Auristela's little heart rebelled. Because cooking is too feminine. It doesn't suit her who behaves and looks like a man. No, no one said it like man, it was just what Auristela thought of herself.

Men always look down on women, they think women are weak and can't do anything.  Auristela hates that perception. He would prove she was strong in her way. To achieve the definition of 'strong', Auristela tried to learn to use the sword, and arrows and also mastered other areas of martial arts.

Auristela let out a long breath after seeing Arion's languid face. She had already guessed, but she still wanted to ask, "How?"

Arion shook his head. "No. Just like the others, they sent me to the fox demon village."

Auristela wanted to laugh, but couldn't bear to see Arion's sad face. "You don't want to give up yet?"

"No. Come on, find some more." Arion's determination is getting hotter.

Auristela followed Arion. Again Arion was rejected. Even though his application was rejected dozens of times, Arion still didn't give up.

Along the way, Arion kept thinking. Wonder why no one wants to hire him? Does he look like can't do anything? "Stella."


"What don't I look like a pathetic person who needs help?"

Auristela's eyebrows rose one. "Why do you ask such a thing?"

Arion scratched his head. "Maybe they turned me down because of how I looked."

Auristela observed Arion from top to bottom. She stroked her chin. "Come to think of it...." Auristela recalled all the tavern and shop employees she and Arion went to, their faces were friendly and looked submissive, unlike Arion who had a stern face. "Probably because of your unfriendly face."

Arion grimaced. Auristela when she speaks is always honest and stabs his right in the heart.  "I'm sure, there must be someone who accepts me." They walked hand in hand while looking left and right looking for a shop or taverns that needed employees.

"How about this?"

"Please take the snake out!"

"Anyone, please!"

The noisy voice caught the attention of Arion and Auristela. The two of them immediately headed for the source of the voice that came from the crowd of citizens.

"What happens?" Auristela asked one of the women who was holding a laundry basket in her hand. "There, there is a snake in Mrs. Peterson's house," replied the mother in a panic.

Auristela looked at Arion, her twin sister nodded. The two of them pushed their way through the crowd.

"Calm down, everyone." Auristela calms the panicking mothers. "Where's the snake?"

The woman who wore her hair in a bun pointed to the house in front of her. "It's in my house. Under the dining table. No one dared throw it away. My husband and son are working in the fields near Mount Omega." Auristela nodded in understanding.

"I will help to get the snake out. Allow me to enter Mrs's house," said Arion kindly. Mrs. Peterson allowed Arion.

"Don't worry. My brother can get the snake out," said Auristela calming Mrs. Peterson who looked panicked and scared.

Inside, Arion struggled to find snakes on various sides of the house. There is nothing under the dining table, meaning the snake has moved. Arion was careful, he didn't know what kind of snake was hiding in this house.  If it turns out to be a venomous snake, his life will be in danger.

Auristela prayed in her heart that nothing bad happened to Arion. They had only been away from the palace for three days. Their mom and dad would be very sad to hear that Arion died from being bitten by a venomous snake.

"Everybody." Auristela distracts the women's anxious feelings. "Please prepare a sack or plastic to put the snake." Immediately, some of the women who had gathered scattered to find what Auristela asked for.

A few minutes later, Auristela and the women breathed a sigh of relief to see Arion out of Mrs. Peterson's house casually carrying a brown snake, like he was carrying wood to fuel the fireplace.

The women screamed with joy praising Arion's bravery.

"Thank you very much." Mrs. Peterson felt very helped by Arion's help. "You are handsome and also kind."  Mrs. Peterson was fascinated by Arion's handsome face.

Auristela smiled amusedly, Arion's face looked tortured, surrounded by women who wanted to see his face.

"This is for you." Auristela was surprised when Mrs. Peterson gave her five corns. "My form of gratitude. Sorry I only have this."

Auristela feels bad. He and Arion helped without expecting anything in return or praise. They help because their hearts are moved to do so.

"No need to bother, Mrs."

"It's okay, take it."

Because Mrs. Peterson insisted, Auristela accepted the corn. "Thank you."

The two of them returned to continue their journey to find work. When night comes, then they go home to rest.

"What are we going to do with these corns?"  Auristela tilted her head, confused. They only rented a room, not a house. So, they cannot cook their food.

Arion shrugged his shoulders. He glared at the sack in which was the python. He was also confused about where to throw the snake?

Auristela stopped walking, then crouched down in front of Arion. "I once heard crown prince Dellano cast a spell on a tiger to be tame. I memorized it."

Arion rolled his eyes. "Listen? Isn't eavesdropping?"

Auristela grinned widely. "Whatever it is, most importantly I know a spell to tame animals. I tried it once on a dog."

Auristela held the sack, closed her eyes, and then her mouth moved to chant a spell.  Slowly the snake stopped moving, becoming calmer.

Arion was flabbergasted. Auristela smiled broadly. "Success! It is confirmed that after this he will never attack humans again."

Arion frowned. "Why?"

"Because the snake is tame." Auristela stood up. "I don't know why either. The tiger that Dellano tamed, so it doesn't want to eat beef and mutton, only wants chicken. Then the dog I tamed, eating vegetables."

Arion was stunned. "Could it be, that spell isn't just for taming?"

"I don't know." Auristela shook her head.

Arion released the snake under the tree. The snake looked confused and he passed past Arion and Auristela.

"I told you, didn't I?" Auristela grinned proudly.

Arion gaped in disbelief at what his green eyes had just seen.


"Still not giving up?" Auristela is tired.

"Not yet." Arion's hand was carrying a plastic bag filled with corn given by Mrs. Peterson who was still confused about what to make.

The blue sky turns orange. Arion hasn't found a job yet, but the man isn't giving up.

Auristela narrowed her eyes. "That's Andres and Anthony, isn't it?" She pointed to two men chatting under a tree surrounded by goats. In addition to the sense of hearing, the elves are also blessed with sharp eyes.

"I think so," replied Arion.

"Are they herders?"

Arion shrugged his shoulders. "Possible?"

On the other side. One of the two men wearing gray clothes pointed at Arion and Auristela while talking to the man standing next to him. The man friend turned his head, then shouted, "Arion, Auristela." The man wearing a blue shirt waved his hand and gave a big smile.

"Right, there they are," said Auristela.

In unison the four of them walked to approach each other, then stood opposite each other, bordered by a one-meter high wooden fence.

"We meet again," Andres said with a big smile.

"Yes." Auristela nodded with a smile.

Andres glanced at the plastic bag filled with corn that Arion was carrying. "Where are you guys from?"

"Mm, looking for a job," Auristela said honestly.

"Are you guys not citizens of Grassland? I've never seen you guys before," said Anthoni.

"Yeah, we're from Square Land."

"You are humans," Antoni muttered.

Arion and Auristela nodded slowly. They are good at lying.

"it's a bit late for me to say it now. Welcome to Grassland. I hope you enjoy staying here," said Andres kindly.

"We've been here three days. The people are nice and friendly." Auristela smile.

Andres gave two bottles—which he deliberately took from the cupboard before approaching the brothers—to Arion and Auristela. "It's goat's milk. It's no less delicious than cow's milk. Try it."

Arion and Auristela were hesitant to accept it.

"I'm sincere. Try it," said Andres a little pushy.

Finally, the twins accepted it. They immediately tried the goat's milk. "Yeah, I think it's better than cow's milk," Auristela said honestly. Arion nodded.

Andres smiled brightly. Then he gave two more bottles to Arion and Auristela. "This is for you. Think of it as my thanks for helping me from the robbers. I know this is not the same as your guys' help. But I hope you guys will accept it."

Auristela accepts it with pleasure. "Thank you very much." A wide smile grew on Auristela's tiny lips. For a moment Andres was fascinated by that smile.

"Have you guys found a job yet?" Andres asked.

"Yes, already." Arion didn't want to bother anyone, if he answered no, he was worried that Andres or Anthoni would help him find a job. Surely the two men were originally from Grassland.

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