A Fucking Dragon Lord!
Chapter One Hundred And Fourteen

Damien Black’s POV

The acrid smell of charred wood fills the air, choking my lungs.

I tried to open my eyes but everywhere seems so dark, filled with dusts and I can’t seem to see Lucien clearly.

I brought out my immortal sword warding it around me in aa protective circular motion.

Oh shit.

“Kate?!, Kate ‘’! Kate!…” I shouted , looking around and getting confused, why is she not answering.

Suddenly I heard a loud thud on my head making me to miss a step and fall down ,hitting my head on a rock.

“Shit!” Ingrained painfully, shaking my dizzzy eyes and touching the back of my head to feel the mositure of blood.

I tried to stand up again when I felt another deep kick to my groin making me to fall done flat ,dropping my immortal sword and instinctively covering up my manhood groaning in pain.

Darn it, I can’t find Kate’s and it’s too dark to fight . The dusty , charcoal tasting cloud making the whole thing a whole more annoying.

I tried to
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