Chapter 3 Anney offered her pearly heart to Ryan

Anne courageously came out of the room; though grating and spine-chilling sounds bonked to her ears. The feet silently toddled to the floor with the blurred light. Instead of dropping the first room, her nose never fragrant his shoulder, then her ears did not pellucidly lend him again.

A piercing wind dragged her feet back to the black room; a low mouth aptly shifted to her understanding," Sweety, pull the door now," her hands hauled the door using her brave knees. Hence, the light fautlessly reached the black bed where Ryan filled with tears, specifically his face.

Her hands acted as a towel; to clutch him," who brings you here?" Sounded interesting to him, but he felt scared if Hanna would know it.

Re asked,`` who brought you here?" Sounded enough to him," shut up Anne, you can guess her name." 

"Don't worry, I won't tell her," she actually offered to bring him to her room. However, Ryan did not want Hanna to get mad at her," allow me to live alone like in the prison." Likewise, her heart understood his point of view, however her compassion would be beyond the ocean and mountain.

Her heart fast beating perceiving his sacrifice, her feet quietly shifted backward, yet flawless hands haunted him," what do you want to tell, Ryan?" He screamed his tears again which made her disclose his love for him," don't leave me, Anne," Ryan said.

Softly responded," I never do that because you're secretly special to my heart," her mouth attempted to remove it. But it already imbibed to his heart which displayed slightly his interest for her," continue what you craved to say." It whispered to the helper's heart.

Awkwardly uttering," I confessed that I have a feeling for you," this made her heart happy to reveal it. But she felt shy to face him," sorry to say this, Ryan."

Slow cough," thanks a bunch to know it, but bear in your mind that I already engaged with Sweety." Anne was offended to lend his final word, it disgruntled to perceive him again. On the other hand, Hannah quickly reached room number eight; to turn on the lights; then, to finally talk about the marriage of her new son-in-law.

Will Sweety accept their consensus? 

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