LXIV: hoping not him

"What do you mean by that, Norika?" Data lift her hand to close Norika to her. She doubted that this human is somebody she knows.

"Just like I said. A human makes a group of monsters. This is the first time I saw my lord satisfied face when she heard this incident, also Saya Can I sleep here for a second? I just need an hour to rest. Because my companion wants to break me every time" Norika didn't wait for Saya's answer. She went straight to her room.

Saya just watched Norika until she enter through the door inside her room. She was hoping that this human is not Junj and she also hopes Junj and his village is safe.

"Saya, I think me and Sasi will go with you to find the miracle Jar. Now, they are gone, we can also roam in this palace. I want to take back what I said before, I want to help you Saya" Sana look straight as she hopes to agree with her.

Unfortunately, Saya turns down her offer, she wants to find the miracle jar alone. In case she was caught by the personnel of the palace t
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