Chapter 5 Return to Your Post

Reginaldo is offended when the Fabrey family secretary mocks his eldest son. Where is the respect for those in charge?

"My father gives you a lot of freedom, Anestor."

"Believe me, master: when you return to who you were, I will be your faithful dog." Anestor stops laughing.

Reginaldo sinks into the pillows, "I will never go back to Victoria and my father's business. How boring, being a realtor."

Anestor says ironically, "Yes, it's very boring to be the son of the owner of the largest real estate network in Espírito Santo."

Reginaldo wrinkles his nose, "You know very well that's not what keeps me away from this world. Fabrey Real Estate has become a nest of snakes. Envy and greed have become essential qualities among my family, especially among my cousins ​​who feel entitled to take my place. Before they pour me a glass of arsenic wine, I let them fight each other like 'Game of Thrones'."

Anestor adopts a serious tone again, "If you don't return, it will be your father who will drink that chalice with arsenic. And a forged will is what will be valid instead of the original."

Reginaldo continues to wiggle, "I doubt my father will miss me. The humiliation I go through among my wife's family I can get over, but not the insult he told me when I didn't want to play his way."

Anestor insists, "Master, my lord is willing to be reconciled to you. Your mother is missing you and your little sister has given birth to a beautiful nephew. Don't you want to meet him?"

"I wanted my sister out of this damn circle." Reginaldo laments, "But she had to fall in love with one of the realtors who work with my father!"

"And so, master, may I tell my lord that you are going to take over your post at Fabrey Real Estate?" Anestor gets up.

"No chances!" Reginaldo stirs in the hospital bed, "Have my father look for another successor or appoint my brother-in-law. And don't worry about me, I'll handle my problems. And tell him I'll pay the bill for this private room."

"How? Selling popsicles?" Anestor asks with a serious face, but the ironic question would make anyone laugh, "At least keep his updated phone number. You never know."

Anestor holds out a business card he took from the pocket of his dress pants. Reginaldo stared at the wall for a long time, but when he saw that the secretary still had his hand outstretched, he decided to take it just for Anestor to leave.

When Anestor finally leaves, Reginaldo realized that his father's phone number was different. If he wanted to call in these past three years, he wouldn't make it.


Meanwhile, Laura tried to call Reginaldo but without success. She had her cell phone pressed to her ear, following the call until it dropped.

"The number you dialed is out of coverage or turned off."

Laura throws her cell phone on the living room rug. She did so confidently that the cell phone wouldn't break under the impact of the soft rug.

"Damn it! Where is he? He's definitely violating a female beachgoer in a far corner of the beach, so his cell phone has no signal!"

She crouches down and picks up her cell phone, dialing another number.

On the other side, Eduardo answers, "Hello, honey!"

"I need you now! He's with female bathers doing ugly things and he won't answer my cell!"

Eduardo takes a few seconds to respond, "Don't you think it's early to drink?"

"I only drank my own coffee, which didn't taste good, to add. After all, Reggie knows how to make good coffee with cream and mint."

"Uh... so I get jealous!"

"There's nothing for you to be jealous of!" Laura roars.

"First, you start praising his coffee, then you start praising his appearance, then you start praising—"

"SHUT UP!" Laura barks.

"Oh, grumpy like that, I'd better hang up!" Eduardo loses patience and hangs up on his lover.

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