003 - The Great Zarkhan

At her current level, even a vial of mana potion wouldn't give a significant effect in replenishing her mana. Although she has a high mana regeneration rate, as a master level of Paladin Warrior, most of her skills consume so much mana.

After all, she is such a perfectionist in preparing for something. With this mindset, she chooses to wait for Azzim to recover by his own HP regeneration rather than using her mana to help him recover.

She is the sole healer in the group. She knows it the most, how crucial her mana for them in fighting the Gatekeeper later.

“We've come this far. A few hours of waiting won't be that hard. After all, we still have some time before they reset the realm,” she says.

At noon, they have already dismantled the tent. They only collect a few essential items, such as weapons and a few stock items which they put into small bags. The rest, such as cooking utensils and those tents, they just leave them there.

After all, not long after this, they will face the Gatekeeper of the Sixth Trial Realm, the only way to open the portal to the Seventh Trial Realm. It's something they need to do to clear all the trials they are on.

Gaston, the leader of the group, gives some crystals to Leia. “You open the gate. I need to warm up these muscles of mine first.”


He then starts flexing his arms and waving his huge double edge ax around,  as if getting ready for a fight. And Leia enters the large cave on that mountainside by herself.

The cave is not very deep. However, on one side, there is a wall that is so smooth, much different from the condition of the other cave walls. In the middle, there are four slots that match the shape of the crystal that Gaston has given to her.

She plugs the four crystals. A moment later, a notification window pops up in front of her.



[You are going to activate the gate to enter the Gatekeeper's lair for The Sixth Trial. When the gate active, only five people can enter]

- The gate is a one way gate.

- Once activated, the gate will only last for 150 seconds.

- Do you want to activate it now?

- Yes / No


She touches the “Yes” option in the interface window in front of her. Instantly, that part of the wall seems to rippled like a moving liquid, glowing in a red color. Shortly after, it starts to turn bluish and gradually becomes a bit transparent.

Even so, she still couldn't see the conditions behind the gate.




[The gate has been activated, and will be closed after 147, 146, 145, 144, ….]


“Hey, Gas! The countdown has started. Do you want to enter or what?” she shouts.

As soon as he hears that shouting, Gaston finishes his warm-up. He walks into the cave by dragging his ax with a lazy sigh.

Zul calmly follows him from behind. But he suddenly stops after realizing the doubt in Azzim. He stands there, looking at Azzim with a curious face.

“What?” asks Azzim.

“What’s wrong?” replies Zul.


But Azzim doesn’t give any answer at all, since he doesn’t know what to say either. He knows that they have no other choice but to continue the trial.

In fact, as an Assassin Class warrior, he has a character who really likes the tension of battle and likes to take risks. He even does reckless things so often.

However, only recently has he realized that he has made a mistake in choosing the path for his character growth as a warrior. Just as they are about to enter The Sixth Trial Dungeon, he feels like he is becoming a burden to the others.

This condition has made him start doubting himself a lot in the last few days. And Zul has also realized it too.

“You see that carcasses down there!” says Zul as he points his chin towards the hillside.

Azzim looks back and finds so many carcasses of monsters on the slopes of the hill they had killed the previous day. Some monsters are still covered in chunks of ice. The rest were butchered brutally, with body parts have been scattered all over the place.

“Don't forget, who made the conditions of those monsters to be so wretched like that,” says Zul, trying to convince Azzim of his own abilities.

Azzim tries to convince himself and steps into the cave. Zul just smiles as he sees his friend pass and enters the cave before him.

Meanwhile, Gaston is no longer found in the cave. It seems like he has passed through the gate first. Leia is seen to start activating a skill, her Vitality Aura Level 1. A moment later, her body is surrounded by a transparent green aura, continuously expanding to cover a radius of 20 meters around her.

In that instant, the HP regeneration rate of all of her friends within that radius slightly increases, a bit higher than their respective base HP regeneration rate.


“Are you guys ready?” asks Leia as she turns back to them.


Both Azzim and Zul nod once. And so, Leia immediately steps into the gate to enter The Boss’s Lair.

As soon as she gets inside, she finds herself in another large cave. Meanwhile, Gaston is standing right in front of her, dazedly staring at a sleeping red dragon.

The dragon is so enormous, sleeping curled up in one corner of that closed cavern. There is also an inactive portal gate, floating above the ground at one corner of the cavern, like a floating liquid in a red color.


“So, what kind of monster are we going to kill?” asks Zul who has just entered the cavern along with Azzim.

Immediately, Leia activates her scanning skill.

“Skill Set! Activate scanning level 3!” she issues, muttering alone while staring at the sleeping dragon.



Lv 3 Scanning activated!




Lv ? The Great Zarkhan.

HP : ?

MP: ?

Ability :

           - ?

           - ?

           - ?

           - ?

           - ?


Leia’s face is frowned as she doesn’t get any information from the scanning she did, except the monster’s name, The Great Zarkhan.

She seems so annoyed, because she is the one with the best talent for observation skills, and she is so proud of it.

“Shit, just getting the monster’s name? Even Lv 1 Warrior could do that much,” she grumbles.

Feeling not satisfied with that, she uses his highest level scanning skill.

“Skill Set, activate scanning Lv 5!”

It takes her time a bit longer to scan that sleeping dragon using her scanning skill level 5. However, the results she obtained are not satisfactory enough, only showing the monster’s level with five unknown abilities.


Lv 95. The Great Zarkhan.

HP : ?

MP: ?

Ability :

             - ?

             - ?

             - ?

             - ?

             - ?


“Shit!” she grumbles, looking so frustrated with what she got. As the strategist in the team, this is the situation he hates the most. It’s hard for her to come up with any strategy without knowing what kind of monster they are going to fight.

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