Chapter 2 INTO THE SEA, LAMOA - Part 10
When she returned to the camp she found Lira crouched to a block sitting beside a sleeping Geb, quiet as usual, though she looked a bit shaken up.

“What happened? She came in looking rather panicked.” Reid came closer and Warwick a few steps away and well with earshot.

“You guessed right…”

“Did you?”

“No. I didn’t. He’s ‘calming’ himself.” She said holding back a laugh. “The kid didn’t need my help. She had everything under control and broke free, delivering a good kick to his wood. Bet he didn’t see that coming. Bastard froze before realizing what happened. Funny as hell.” She laughed a little “She would be terrifying in the future that is…” The change wasn’t subtle as her voice went soft, clearly implying on their current circumstance.

“That good… but I doubt that would stop him.”

“I did give him a warning…”

“Would that be enough to stop him?”

“I have my doubts.” Warwick commented.

“Should he try that again I plan on doing what I said.” Lauralyn replied resolutely.

That ver
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