A sublime Love, chapter 5

In the eyes of this man, this gang, there was an indescribable rage and a feeling that had just come to a tragic end. Aliyan saw the man dying inside and let all this pain appear by silent tears coming out of his eyes. Bendis keeps calm, Aliyan is right in front of her to protect her from a loss of bullet. Aliyan does everything possible to reason this man but he is of course on his words. He keeps saying that everyone will pay and even the innocent if he ever gets involved. They were explaining theirself when a man came and blew into that man's ear. He then lowered his weapon and told Aliyan that they can go home safely but  they should’nt meet in this case otherwise he will be merciless. Aliyan promised him that they will not see each other and will not have to fight but in exchange if he ever finds his wife's murderers he must hand them over to the police and then he can look for a way for the trickids, which the man accepted since Aliyan explained to him the blow he had and that the man is understanding .

At Mr. Wilfried's office there is his sistre who has just arrived . They are discussing the business that concerns the company and she ask her brother to find a way to recover the shares that Aliyan pays from the old man, a request that Mr. promised. The discussion continues between the two when Ms. Françoise enters the office very angry with a newspaper in her hand. She throws the newspaper on the table and shouts to her husband who is Mr. Wilfried in front of Bendis' aunt to find out if he organised it as if she were at home and because she knows her husband well and that's what he is capable of. Mr. reassures her that he has nothing to do with it but that he will try to find out what really happened. Before Mrs. Françoise leaves with anger, Mr. Wilfried calls Yannick to see where he is before asking him to come to the office urgently. Yanncik calmly told him that it was he who mounted the shot and that everything is done with a person. Mr. Wilfried is very happy of his son that he promises to take a walk to the beach together as soon as they finish.

As soon as Yannick finishes he calls his henchman and they make an appointment for the evening.

Aliyan has just returned home with Bendis who is not happy at all. She starts saying a lot of things while Aliyan jumps in the shower to change her mind a little under cold water. Bendis is there to get ideas on every level when her mobile phone rings, it's her mother. It was her mother Mrs. Françoise who calls to hear from her. Bendis tells her mother what is happening and she tells her that she learned it in the newspaper. What surprised Bendis and Aliyan because it was only this morning that the police were informed and already the press is aware to the point of putting history in the press? This is where Aliyan said there is something to it.

- Why do you look at me like that? Aliyan.

- You, your brother Yannick and your father, what did I do to you to blame me this morning?

- I'm innocent of all this.

- (Laughter) Lord! Innocent, do you say? You have to be Jesus, it's minus.

- Why do you persist in wanting to believe what you want and not in me the being you love?

- Believe in you ? I must be drunk and dead to forget that trust is a mirror and that you are there to kill me and not to have children with me.

- It's true that not everyone who says loves loves but believe me when I tell you that I won't be anything without you.

- And without your father? Without your brother Yannick? Without all your junk family?

- Don't talk about my family like that! (She says with anger) I give you the credit for your words but not to judge my whole family for what my father and Yannick did to you!  don't judge my family, don't mix them with that!

- Oh yeah? So why don't you finish what they sent you for once and let's end it? I lived from ordeal to ordeal to get there so avoid prison. (He raises his voice)

- That I point a weapon and shoot at everything will not erase you. I give credit to the man who said a bullet is definitive. But he had to add that an eye full of love is deadly, it kills in a slowly agony.

- ...

Bendis approached Aliyan and before Aliyan said even one word she sticks her lips to Aliyan's. He was surprised that his eyes were very open when they kissed but at one point he closed it and gave himself. Bendis blew into his ears by caressing his chest with her hands to make love with him and that sometimes thinking too much it kills intelligence and makes consciousness powerless. He wondered in his head to know what she is trying to do but it was stronger than him and the feeling got the better of his thoughts.

Alors que des tourtereaux font l'amour dans un bel espace qui ne connaît pas l'existence de la terre, Yannick est dans un entrepôt en train de manœuvrer un truc louche. Il est là avec son bras droit, un homme qu'il a connu au collège Lucas alors qu'il fréquentait un autre collège. Là, l'homme le présente à quatre personnes en recherche d'emploi. Il discute avec eux et leur donne des instructions à suivre. Les quatre hommes ont accepté de faire le travail pendant deux semaines et ont disparu pour une somme d'un million chacun. Yannick est content de son projet de faire le chantier où il s'est retrouvé avec Aliyan et de faire en sorte qu'il soit le seul à porter le chapeau pour que cela le conduise à une peine de prison bien plus large à appeler à la mort pour venir nous appeler . Une fois la négociation terminée, il quitte l'entrepôt pour la maison.

M. Wilfried est dans son bureau avec ses avocats et sa sœur en train de voir comment éloigner Aliyan de leurs tables sans faire de bruit. Des avocats étant prêts à tout pour une belle rançon propose de confier un travail initialement égal mais louche au final à Aliyan et de le faire tuer par l'un des gangs avec lesquels ils n'ont pas affaire. Une idée bien pensée qui a plu à M. Wilfried qu'il a éclaté de rire assis sur sa chaise.

À suivre...

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