Chapter 9(A new look)

A sneeze erupted from his nose, that got his eyes opened, his body stiffen as he attempted to turn around but couldn't due to the pain that coarse in his body. He let out a groan, stretched his arms and then blinked his eyes.

A sweet scent of lavenda and rose hit his nose that he hastily jolted up from where he laid just to figure out where he was. He glanced at his chest and suddenly screamed. His swing his head up, scrutinized this place and speculates that he was in a room.

Could he be in heaven? If so, God spared his sins and gave him a special suite to stay. However, if this was heaven, then, it was his soul here. He snapped out of that thought and brought out another assertion, although they weren't relating with the situation on ground.

Could this be a different trap to make him die a rosy death or perhaps die by poison? Torture? However it couldn't be in such a beautiful room. He just hoped he would wake up from this nightmare that lingered in his head because he couldn't find
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