The Baron and The Businessman

Lysander commanded respect with every step he took. He had changed into a white coat with a flaming red Phoenix embroidered on the back. He looked truly like a savior, one prepared to rebirth this city from the ashes and reform it anew.

Yet, despite his appearance the presence he seemed to cast in Aurelia's mind had become slightly clouded due to doubt. She still had faith, but part of her was skeptical. She had been told very minimal information about what Lysander's plans entailed, and she had simply chosen to trust him due to the salvation he promised.

'Stop it. You've always been easy to change things up. These last several days have done nothing but solidify that. Just show a little follow through goddamit! Have some faith!' she followed this thought with a spit, and by doing so cast out all doubts she had from her mind forcefully. 'Besides, you can ask him about the specifics after the speech. Just do your job and get moving.'

"So, Aurelia...what happened to your contacts?" Rans
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