Omen of Death

Luanvin did not answer the words of the formless voice. He plucked the strings of his lute, then closed his eyes. No emotion, no purpose. Luanvin just wanted to make the strumming sound of the lute lead to an event.

From the window of his room, the sun was moving down. The leaves of the trees that grew around the sideyard of the building moved as the wind blew. The tinkling sound of the harp he plucked sounded like the rhythm of sad music. It wasn't him who chose the rhythm, each time the sound of his chorus sounded as if it had brought him to an event.

Knock! Knock!

"Headmaster?” Alhena's voice called out to her from outside.

"Come in."

Still strumming the harp and making sounds, Luanvin already heard the sound of his bedroom door opening.

Alhena stood not far from the couch where she was sitting. The dashing youth fell silent, watching Lanvin play his lute. 

"Is there anything the Principal of the College needs?"

The movement of his finger, which was about to pluck the strings again, stopped. There was something he didn't know. Opening his closed eyes, Luanvin looked at the handsome young man who was standing motionless. 

"What about the College students who will be sent to the western forest?"

Alhena looked down for a moment. "I have prepared, Headmaster. They will leave at midnight and arrive tomorrow morning in the western forest. I have also prepared supplies and also the needs of the Headmaster while starting the journey later. Should I prepare the best horse?"

Lanvin fell silent, lifting the clothesline from above the strings of the harp. He stepped down, toward the tiny chair and round table that had been lifted by the light of the lute. 

Seeing her College sitting there, Alhena approached. She poured the water in the teapot into the silver glasses that were neatly arranged on the tray. 

"Hen. Em, may I call you that, right?"

Alhena gave a small smile, she lowered her head before saying. "No problem, Head of College. I don't mind being called anything, as long as the Chair of the College is comfortable."

Luanvin smiled, he took a sip of the contents of his glass. "This is a journey of self-discovery and also carrying out my duty of fighting crime."

Alhena was silent, listening to the graceful tone of the College. 

"I don't need a horse," said Luanvin again, while making a circular motion on the table using a small stick he picked up on the wall. "Tomorrow the day after tomorrow Fateke will pick me up for my first adventure. So you better explain to me who the real Queen of Madeira is."

"Madeira Frenaskus, Queen of the northerly cardinal kingdom. She is a child from Redaskusta who conceived her due to her intercourse with a demon from the eastern part of Mount Amureka. Initially, Redaskusta agreed to an agreement with the demon to defend his kingdom which was attacked by an incurable disease, what disease was it called? It's just that a hundred years ago the disease almost devoured all the people of his kingdom and left half of the country empty."

"The devil Saremake accepted the request he made at the foot of the Amureka mountain where the devil lived. Saremake is willing to help him on the condition of surrendering his chastity. They had fought, but Redaskusta lost. It was in his defeat and helplessness that the Demon Saremake took control of his body and took away his chastity. He did remember his promise, with the help and knowledge of his high supernatural powers he managed to eliminate the plague that came from his fellow demons."

"They are bound by an agreement. The devil Saremake every full moon will always come to Redaskusta's room and fuck him with both consciousnesses. Until finally Redaskusta became pregnant and Madeira was born, who continued her father's character. The difference is he is a woman and it is said that he likes you because you are a handsome man. That's why he wants you to be his companion," said Alhena hesitantly.

Luanvin was silent for a long time hearing this. Alhena's explanation earlier made her realize that there was interference between Devils and humans. Demons and humans if they are united then their strength will be many times over. Moreover, Redaskusta and Saremake were no ordinary people. Of course, both of them have high knowledge. 

"Then, what about Redaskusta? Is she still alive now?"

"Still, Headmaster. But not in the North Cardinal Palace anymore. She and Saremake decided to stay alone on Mount Amureka and rule over the area. She left the infant Madeira in the palace and allowed her to grow up on her own and become what she is today."

Luanvin took a deep breath, looking at Alhena who was still standing in front of him. "That is, the same as me?"

Elena was silent for a moment. "Headmaster, servant-"

"It's okay, I was just joking." Luanvin's voice was flat and calm, there was no joking tone that Alhena caught from him. "I want to know what happened to me up to this point. You know me?"

"Sorry in advance, Headmaster. If I may know, what is the name of the Headmaster?" Alhena asked back, her voice sounded polite.


Elena looked down. "Luanvin is the name of the Universities that have been sent by Rishi the heavenly leader to lead this college. Every ten years, the college he sends always alternates. The head of the school is the ninth envoy since the hundred years I have served in this forbidden school."

Luanvin's originally calm eyes changed, he looked at Alhena with a straight face but curious eyes. "You mean you're a hundred years old?"

Alhena smiled. "That's more or less the case, Headmaster."

Lanvin was speechless. "How can that be? He...."

Nobody spoke after that. Luanvin, who prefers silence, just stares straight ahead while thinking a few things. Luanvin, wouldn't talk if it wasn't important or if the Headmaster didn't ask him.

The late night was visible from the window frames which were covered by thin curtains. The curtains waved, in the quiet and lonely night breeze. There were only a few College students who were still on guard, especially the men who had their duties chosen as m guards

"Rest, Head of College. Tomorrow is a new day. If the Headmaster needs anything, the Headmaster can call me."

Luanvin only moved his head after hearing those words. Staring at Alhena, she smiled faintly. 

"If I go, who will guard this Forbidden College?" he asked, turning his glass. "Wasn't I sent to be the leader? Then, what if I don't come back here again?"

"This college is usually left behind. But in a sense, not left behind completely. The Headmaster did leave but this leadership continued in the hands of the Headmaster until the following year a new College came here. The Headmaster can still lead it from the land of the sky."

"Land of the sky?"

Elena nodded.

"Well, go rest. I want to be alone," he said, turning his gaze towards the window. 

Ignoring Alhena who had already lowered her head and walked out, Luanvin just stayed silent while staring at the distance. His eyes seemed to be able to redeem the walls of the College and penetrated the front he was staring at. 

Sharpening his gaze, Luanvin seemed to be able to see a long howling wolf under the moon. His head bobbed up and down as a long, familiar voice sounded in the middle of the night. 

"It's almost full," he said quietly. "Three more days of the full moon, it's certain that Madeira will find her prey. Should I act from now on? Or later when he comes and picks me up?"

Rising from his seat, Lanvin stood at the window and looked up at the sky. The atmosphere of the night sky was tense as if there was sadness up there. 

"Luanvin... Luanvin... Luanvin  ...."

A buzzing voice seemed to be calling him from above. It made him look up, staring at the black clouds that were moving faster. 

Luanvin looked at him expressionlessly, he knew it was a voice that would give him hints as well as other words.


Sighing, Luanvin said quietly. Let me understand it first. Don't force me to do it right away. I don't know anything, I don't know what you need. If you guys keep forcing me, I don't know if I'll find out or just stop here!"

Silence, after saying that the atmosphere of the sky that was originally moving quickly stopped. It was as if his voice pierced through the sky and was heard by the person calling him. 

Turning her body, she stepped towards the cot. Sitting back behind the lute, Luanvin rubbed his hand over the instrument until it finally disappeared. 

He straightened himself, placing his hands on his cross-legged knees. Closing his eyes, his position is the same as meditating. He didn't like to lie down, he'd rather sleep in a sitting position so he could keep an eye on what was to come. 

"I do not know what happened. It's just that if it's my destiny, then I'll get to him. For now, don't force me."


For breakfast, in the dining room, Luanvin is already sitting on the top side. The long table was filled by some of the College's highest students who could be said to be founding members. 

Some of them looked towards the new College which was again changing to become the leader of the Forbidden College. Her face looks more radiant, more authoritative, and full of charm. The look in his eyes is calming, with an aura that is both master and admirable. The Headmaster who was sent by the Heavenly Leader Resi this time was different from the usual. 

"Take care of this College while I'm gone tomorrow. I probably won't come back here again," he said after putting down the spoon and wiping his hand over the white cloth. 

The college students have also finished eating. They looked down deeply as Luanvin scanned their faces one by one. Not through Alhena who was already standing beside him, Luanvin decided to say it himself. 

"Your martial arts knowledge is high enough to maintain the peace of this College. Maybe I was sent by the heavenly leader Rishi, it's just that I have a task that I must complete. I have to go finish it and won't lead this College directly. But even so, I still know what will happen here while I'm gone."

"Therefore, be wise in doing something and no one chooses another way than mutual agreement. I believe in you," he concluded. 

Bowing deeply, the Forbidden College's highest disciples replied in unison. "We will do our best, Principal. Thank you for the trust."

Luanvin smiled, then moved to stand up. For a moment, he stopped his movements when he heard the voice of his College student who had a beard on his face. 

"Doesn't the Headmaster need us during the trip?" 

"Glad to hear that," he said with a smile. "But it's a personal task I'll be doing. I think being alone with Alhena is enough. You can stay here while I'm gone."

The man nodded his head, then they also got up together with the Headmaster who had finished eating. Luanvin took the first step, out of the dining room and down into the courtyard. 

Staring at his disciples who were starting to get busy doing their tasks, Luangkan was silent as he stepped out of the gate. His hand tightly gripped the silver sword that wouldn't be far from him even for a second. When you are outside, the expanse of the valley and the greenish forest looks cool as far as the eye can see. There is a wide, cliff behind the cliff where the waterfall stands. 

"Isn't there a village here?"

"Yes, Head of College. Just go straight from this college to the east, there is a bustling village. There is even a small kingdom that is the leader. Is the Headmaster going there?” Alhena who was standing behind him asked, causing Luanvin to turn towards the east. 

"Yes, I want to go there to get rid of my thoughts about the heavenly kingdom for a moment. Come on."

Stepping fast, Lanvin seemed to be walking but his movements shot like a shadow. He was not aware of it, for him he was just walking and not very fast. Alhena just silently followed, stepped towards the east in the eyes of the sun began to rise. 

Before long they made the fast journey. In front of Luanvin there was already a wooden gate typical of the village. Residents' houses are also neatly arranged in it, making them comfortable for the eye to see. As soon as he approached the gate guarded by several burly young men, he looked at them who immediately bowed respectfully. 

"Sincerely yours, Head of the Forbidden College, the leader of the College. It's nice to welcome the Headmaster here," they said at the same time. 

Luanvin looked at Alhena who was standing behind him. The young man smiled faintly, causing him to sigh. 

Several passersby did the same, putting down the things they were carrying and bowing in front and behind them. 

"Thank you for the welcome. Get up," he said politely, making the bowing youths and citizens rise from there. 

Stepping into the gate, some of the people who saluted him had started to resume their work. Luanvin looked around until finally, he saw a woman dressed as a princess and wearing a peacock feather robe being carried on a stretcher by several bodyguards. Luanvin looked at him that flashed before his eyes, then without any expression, he stepped into the deeper village. 

"Who is that woman?" Luanvin asked among the residents who accompanied him. 

"The royal princess of this village, the Headmaster ."

"Where is she going?" Stopping steps, Luanvin seemed to have an idea that said the princess was in danger. He turned around, staring at the stretcher carried by the guards who were starting to drift away. 

"I don't know, Headmaster. It's unusual for Prince Kandra to leave the palace. Maybe he's out for a walk."

Luanvin was silent, still staring at the stretcher that was starting to move away. The moment his body moved, throwing a small light from his middle finger. The white light shot quickly widened and seemed to cover the area of ​​​​the guards and also the stretcher of the royal princess who was being carried. 

Luanvin widened his pupils, then looked at the stretcher that turned into a black coffin, and the guards carrying it turned into sinister figures. 

"You see that?” Moving her chin as a pointing device, Alhena turned and looked at the stretcher that was passing west.

"What is it, Headmaster?"

"An omen of death," answered Luanvin, making Alhena's curiosity grow.

Staring at her College which seemed calm with her eyes looking at the stretcher, Alhena swallowed her saliva slowly. 

"What do you mean, Headmaster? Whose death omen? Will prince Kandra die?"

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