A new home

๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’— Beautiful

Mystery ๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’—

( Oceana )

By: Ukinebo Glory

Episode 10

Chelsea's Pov;

school was really hectic for me today and almost all the classes we had were boring

I couldn't wait to get home and was so glad when the last bell for the day rang out

I picked up my bag immediately and rushed out

Beatrice had offered to give me a ride but I had declined

I wouldn't wanna risk anyone knowing where I live - mom's instructions

I got home after a long walk. the distance from home to school was really long, and I dont fancy taking taxis or cabs

we have a car - just one car; but mom drives it to work

sometimes, she would drop me off at school if am up early because she goes to work super early

I don't like going to school in time but I guess I don't have a choice

the whole house was as silent as a graveyard - the usual silence I get every god forsaken day I get back from school

it Almost looks like the house was empty; but hell no...it wasn't, because she's always home
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