David was watching the spar with interest, thinking of who would win the fight, before he saw the crowd parting at the other side and two girls walked to the front. It was Sarah and her cousin Tina.

The silver and blonde girl drew the attention of everyone and Peter was no different, he was surprised to see her there. David made his way around the crowd to get to them.

“I didn’t expect to see you here princess,” he said as he got closer to them. Tina gave him a side glance and then continued to search for Peter.

“Me too, I don’t know why you are at the novice ground David?” Sarah asked with a slight smile. David was struck by that smile and took him some seconds to get himself.

“We just wanted to see the new set of new students train and might exchange move them to guide them,” he said feeling proud but Sarah knew they were just to cause trouble.

“Peter! Over here!” Tina shouted as soon as she saw Peter standing and started walking towards Sarah in toll. David saw Sarah dragged away b
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