Chapter 8: Bad Bald Bull

In the Southwest location of  Dim Forest, 2 hours have pass, so far they still haven't found the girl, they check every nook and cranny of the southwest, from trees to large rocks, and even in the bodies of water, assuming the time have pass, she would be probably died  from intoxication. Her corpse would be eaten if she's dead, yet there's no trace of blood found.

"Tsk, we're being deceived"

"It would be wise to interrogate and turtore them, force them to spit out the truth"

"It's pointless, by now they are dead, we let our colleagues do the cleaning"

"Let's go back and unite with others, change plan"

30 minutes later, Xiang is out of the array, while whistling without a care in the world.

The two saw a little girl walking, heading to the same direction whistling, clothes were disheveled,while looking above the starry sky. 

They mistook her as a sweet innocent little girl, not knowing that he is a twisted bastard not to be trifled with.

"Captain, we should ask that innocent looking girl, she may be able to pinpoint the location of that woman"

They approach the kid and block his way,

"Kid by chance, did you see a blonde girl with a voluptuous body?"

["Blonde and voluptuous? hmm..He's probably referring to a woman whom I had an arduous  intercourse 2 hours and 30 min. ago"

"Dare to harm my woman, wait! she'll be mine after 12 years. Her body, soul and heart only belongs to me. Na-ah no way I share my woman to these pigs"]

["You ask the wrong person, I'll make you regret laying a hand on someone I laid my eyes on."]

"Onii...chan! na-ah! I didn't see blonde onee....chan, but I saw something"

"What is it?"

"Two onii..... chan  yeeeee!" feigning ignorance, to lower their guard.

"Kid stop playing with us, kill her we can't let any witness alive"

"Captain, why don't we have some fun with her, before killing her, and after that look for the voluptuous blonde, I am very thirsty." 

"Suit yourself, make it fast"

he charged towards him while his guard was down, face had gotten red, her tongue stuck out, his saliva was dripping, and his both hands were itching forward. 

"Hehehe I want to devour this loli, once I capture that blonde, I'll make her beg for my milk."

["You fucker! You fall for my act, I'll cut your hand, feet and dick first, and feed it to the pigs.]

With a distance of 1 meter between Xiang and the assassin. His both hands, feet and dick were cut like butter in a blink of an eye.

He scream in severe pain, as his eyes flowing with tears,

"AAAAAGH...!" He screams loud from an unbearable agony.

Mass of birds fly  toward the blue sky, as the whole forest harshly vibrates from a strong unpleasant sound.

"FUCK..... ! WAH.....!" 

His body fell, while his blood was oozing on the ground, Xiang Monji healed his amputated hands, feet and dick, to stop the bleeding. 

He raises his feet and  stamps his abdomen, his stamp has a mass of 250 kg added with the support of gravity magic which he just learned just now, which has a mass of 250 kg  added, all in all, the pressure of the stamp is 500 kg. The ground crack has a radius of 50 meters and the depth of the impact is 5 feet.

His dantian was destroyed from the momentum, as his consciousness was fading. 

The captain managed to dodge the impact, meanwhile he was in daze to what he saw, he wasn't able to help, as much as he wanted to, his feet were stiff, heavy and unable to move.

The captain was flustered,

["This kid is dangerous, spiritual ki materialization annexed in his palm in the form of a  5 inch blade, and a weird pressure area of effect type of technique, this kid is insanely strong, cunning and most of all evil, more vicious than a monster".]

"Hey....! Hey...! Onii...Chan! Want to play? Tee.....heeee!" act innocently cute.

" Who wants to play with you kid, I'm out, don't get in my way"

He leapt towards the direction where his comrades were,  to ask for aid.

["Kid you're done, when I reunite with my subordinates, we will kill you first"]

He smile viciously,

"No you won't"

His surrounding body is heavy, 

"ugh! this technique again, what kind of strange technique is this kid using?"

["That's it! this must be an artifact that the kid is using, an artifact use to suppress me"]


"He try to repel and resist the gravity, unfortunately he can't get out from the area of effect"

Xiang Monji provoked the captain of the assassin,

"Hey...! Hey..! Oni.....chan!"

"Do you know Mr. Clean?"


"Mr. Clean, a guy whose head is bald just like you, but his bald shine the most since his clean, but onii-chan you are young yet you look old, your head doesn't shine does it mean, your's lack polish" 

The gravity is lessen, captain of the assassin is groveling, his head is facing on the ground, pretending he can't break free from the gravity, he smirk,

["Hehehe,I'm only using 30 percent of my ki, kid come closer to daddy, once your close I'll use additional 20 percent to get out from this area of restrain and strangle your neck, after that I'll take your artifact."]

"Oh...! You think that I don't know what you're thinking onii....chan"  Xiang viciously grinned, as he tried to vent his anger.

The captain's expression went 360 degrees down the drain, his looks didn't look good. 

This time the  gravity became 5 times stronger,and it's more focused on his body.

he was struggling more further than before, the ground crack he imagined as if he's carrying the weight of a 2 blue whale. 

the gravity went light then, Xiang Monji smack his bald head, "Mura" and then it became heavy again, the gravity became light again he smack his bald head "Mura"

This time the gravity became heavy.

Xiang Monji is enjonying smacking his bald head, so he decided to ask Jojo Bizarre some strength, 

"Oh Jojo Bizzare, give me the strength to unyieldingly slap him with your grace. "

He close his eyes, and stand in front of him like praying,

 "mura, ora , mura, ora, ora! Jojo Bizzare forgive this man in front of me for he have sin." Talks gibberish.

He took a deep breath, inhaled and exhaled. After that he shouted on Jojo's character signature strike, he started slapping his bald head.


[("Mura", from Jojo bizzare fight scene, it means "futile" in english) to feel the sensation read it faster, while imagining he is slapping his bald head very fast.]

He slap him hundred times in a speed of 1 *mach, while shouting MURA!9×

(This is not accurate, *the speed of sound)

Xiang Monji stop, 

"There you have it, your bald head is nice and polish, like Mr. Clean"

"Are you alright onii...san?"

He didn't reply,

Xiang Monji heals his internal wound and buffs him with strength, and then provokes him again.

He knock his bald head twice, 

as if knocking a door,"

'knock, knock"

" there anyone there"

"knock, knock"

"Who's there?"

"Mr. Clean son"

"Mr. Clean son who?"

" Mr. Clean long lost son"

The captain is very angry with extreme rage, his eyes turn red, his varicose veins are showing in his body, then use 100 percent of his spiritual ki.


He uses a forbidden technique raising his power another 100 percent,  a total of 200 percent which destroys his spiritual sea after using it.

He stood up, overcame the gravity and ferociously charged towards Xiang Monji with extreme rage, the charge was so fast that Xiang Monji helped him by lifting the gravity. Xiang was not satisfied, he doesn't have a red cloth for the bald bull.

Xiang Monji dodge the raging bald bull, and pushed him further by  kicking his ass,  he went straight towards the illusion array with an alarming speed.

"Uwah!Bad bald bull,very bad, if only I had a red cloth, it would be more entertaining, tee-hee!"

"Oh well! The die has been rolled"

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