The nine tail fox

I took my battle stance, ready to fight the leader of the viper who I call scarface.

He unsheathed his big sword and said "My name is griffon leader of the viper, I am telling you so you can know who beat your ass"

"Stop talking scarface" I told him.

"You are quite arrogant, aren't you for an hero"

*Hahaha* I laughed

"Hero my foot, you guys aren't worth saving" I told him. My sentence seems to anger a lot of people but I don't care.

"I will show you!" he yelled and attacked me with an impressive sword move. Due to my broken sword I had to avoid the attack. 

The only way to attack is to get close to him, I think my level should be higher than his.

Don't you think this is a little bit unfair, seeing the difference between your weapon and mine. 


"don't blame your weapon, just let everyone know the weakling you are," he said and slashed his sword towards my neck.


[Class detected: swordsman]

[Unique skill: None]

[Skill: sword]

[Do you wish to copy]


This guy doesn't have a unique skill, but whatever. System copy both class and skill, I said.


[Copying in progress: Time estimation 60 secs]

[Cheat activated: Time estimation 0 secs]

[Copying completed]

[Cheated activated: Skill swords (max)]

To use this skill please activate the class

I kept evading his sword moves and counter attacking his moves. How can a level 70, like me, be scared of a wimp like you.

"System activate class" 


[Class activated]

I counter his move and said playtime is over and thanks for the gift. 

Hmm…. what are you saying? He asked confusedly.

I didn't reply to him as I unleashed the full strength of my true level, kicked him in his abdomen.

Sending him flying away from me with full force, before he came crashing, I dashed away from my spot with full speed, meeting him in mid air ,pure fear was written on his face as I smiled at him then stabbed my broken sword into his head, cracking his skull.

The body then crashed onto a wall. When the dust cleared up, everyone was shocked at the scene. Some vomited looking at the gruesome scene of griffon death.

I don't care about the way they reacted, I went over and picked griffon sword and left.

I went over to the physician and gave him the orc tooth he asked for. I told him that I couldn't find any goblins so I paid him one royal coin.

Now it's finally time to leave this town and fully start my adventure, I must leave this town before the knights come.

I went to the inn and packed my bags. When I was about to leave, the old man big p came to me and said "Young sir, are you leaving already?"

"Hmm…why do you ask?" I asked.

"Well, have you forgotten about the promise"

"Oh! That" I said as I remember that I promise to give this old fool some royal gold coins if he allows me to stay here.

"Here take" I tossed him two royal gold coins.

One royal gold coin=Ioo gold coins

So giving him two is not a problem for me as I won't really need it and the king gave me too many.


"Thank you young sir" he said and I left.

On my way, I saw that the way the people were looking at me was different, I liked the look in their eyes, the fear written all over it somehow satisfied me.

"Maybe these people need to be treated with an iron hand" I thought.

Since this town is faraway from the kingdom, knights rarely visit here so I left the town safely without any hindrance.

I took out the map from my spatial ring. I guess I should head to the wilderness to level up so that I can catch up to those other heroes.

"I can't be left behind by them both in power and in this world", I said with determination and continued my journey.

I fought monsters of different races and copied their skills. I noticed that some skills Can be used without any class, if the original owner of the skill is a monster who doesn't have any class.

30days later…

"I got on a mountain top, this should be where the so-called nine tail fox lives," I said as I rechecked the map again.

Within a month, I have risen my level a lot faster than the heroes thanks to my cheat.

Even though I kept grinding exp non stop increasing my level became hard but from level 70 to level 500 within just a month is not a small feat.

while the heroes should be around 100 or 200.

"Hey nine tail, why are you are hiding?, I thought you are a fox not a mutt"

I kept searching around, but I couldn't find nine tail foxes. I whistled and shouted "Hey I am only here to test my strength, don't worry I won't kill you, no promises though"

I suddenly entered a mysterious fog, I could feel that this fog is made up of magic particles.

I kept walking in the fog, until I saw a beautiful girl who looked injured laying down on the ground.

I got close to her and was surprised to see a tail behind her back, I know that there are beast people in some kingdoms, but this is my first time seeing one.

I knelt down to carry her, then the system notification rang.


[Bloodline of a nine tail fox detected, does host want to copy]

(King POV----------------------------------)

"Your majesty, there's a report about an explosion that occurred in the forest of silverwood town".

"Send the knights to head there and give me back a full report" I told him.

"Sir the adventurers who went there a few days ago said that the whole forests were burnt down to a crisp, no living creature can be sighted in it" , he said.

"A whole forest burnt down!" I said

"Yes your majesty, it's more likely to be the team of the demon lord and the only demon who have that amount of power should be the 'demon scarlet witch'  but am only guessing your majesty"

"I know Alfred, but why will the demon scarlet be in Silverwood?" I asked.

"That I don't know, your majesty," Alfred answered, putting his head down.

"You can leave, but make sure you send both the knight and adventurers to investigate silverwood for any sign of a demon" I told him.

"A whole forest burnt down, something Is wrong here or is the demon lord soon to be risen" I wondered as I stared out of the window.

I sighed and said "I hope the heroes are ready to for the task".

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