Chapter 39

There is an area in the Atlantic ocean that is believed to be cursed or to possessed by some evil magic powers. Many ships are believed to have sunk in this area, Many planes and aircrafts are believed to have disappeared in mysterious ways over this area. It is located between Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico. This place is called the Bermuda triangle.

Many people believes that over this place lies the Mariana Trench, which is the supposed deepest part of the earth, lying at about 36,069 feet below sea level.

But one unpopular fact amidst humans was that the Bermuda triangle is the portal gateway to the Fey and Elven Kingdom.

A small Quatar airbus plane was flying at 20,000 feet and descending gradually towards the Bermuda triangle. To the visible eye, the plane crashed into the water, but without a massive splash of water but just a minor ripple as it’s nose entered the water.

But in the other magical realm, the plane was descending into a massive runway.

The Fey and Elven King
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