Sacred Arms Awakened.

All arms have ratified all the vessels present, it was time for the partial awakening of each of the arms, Liam then starts to speak, "its time to draw power from your arms, first of all, you need to know of some histories, your sacred arms originally aren't meant to have any power within them, but because they were crafted from the blood of some gods over time they absorbed power from the Err stones, presently we have no Err stones, so the awakening would only be partial, you can then release the full potent of the sacred arm you wield, first things first, pick up your sacred arm and sense the power that runs in it."

The candidates did so, the fairy already understood the power and so was ready for the next step, Gaius also looked like he was ready for the next step, Toda on the other hand didn't understand what Liam meant, he looked at the sword and then he went to his interface, he selected skill, he scrolled through with his eyes and then he saw a skill, 'Insight', he selected the skill to know more on the skill, 'insight a skill that gives a clear vision and a precise description of the magical presence around,' Toda smiled saying it was just the one he needed, Toda then decided to purchase the skill, a message popped up, 'purchase common skill( insight) for 7cp,' Toda purchased the skill and decided to use it. "Use common skill(INSIGHT )." A message then appeared 'reading magical presence of precise target--------' another message then appeared, 'reading complete, capacity gauged, magical estimation— 70%, Destructive Class—Catastrophe.' After seeing this Toda froze in shock, seeing the immense aura gushing out of the sword he was scared so was everyone else after understanding the weapons.

Liam then started talking again, "I like the look on your faces right now, it means you understand the power you'll be charged with controlling, one wrong move and anyone of you here can level an entire kingdom, three catastrophe class Arms and four calamity class is no ordinary weapon, originally the first step was for you to understand its might, now to connect you to the arms, as you know inside each and every one of the this weapon is a magical power even greater than you, to wield this power you have to be careful, first of all I'm guessing most of you here know how to use the link skill which lets you push out your magic like a thread, it'll be the magic we'll be using, first of all use link to push out you magic, once you're all done we'll proceed."

The whole group except Toda understood what Liam said and were already at it, Toda on the other hand didn't know the skill, he went to his interface and saw the skill that Liam spoke of, but the skill was in a basic class, Toda had a thought of purchasing the skill and then a message appeared, 'purchase basic skill link for 3cp' Toda accepted, "use basic skill (LINK)." Toda could feel the magic coursing through his vein and flowing out of his palm, every else was also ready, Liam then spoke again, "you all look ready, now with your other hand release the seal on the sacred arms with the skill shatter, which is also a basic skill, after you do that, the magic in will gush out and will try overwhelm you have to keep the flow relaxed or two things could happen, either you get possessed by the massive intake or you die, all you have to do is keep the flow relaxed until the magic from the arms gets absorbed into you."

After hearing this, all the candidates started the process, Toda searched his skill bank for the shatter skill, but he couldn't find it, he then surfed for an identical skill, then he came across a skill, (Force Activation), he selected the skill to know more about it, 'unique skill (Force Activation) a skill that awakens a dormant magical power and also dispels seals.' Toda smiled saying it was exactly what he wanted, he purchase the skill with 10cp, "use Unique skill (Force Activation)." Immediately Toda's hand glowed and suddenly the weapon glowed, drawing attention to him, after that an abnormal presence could be felt, everyone except the fairy and Gaius stopped to look at Toda, suddenly magic thread larger than Toda's gushed out of Eros, immediately they connected the magical presence could be seen eating up Toda's magic, it got larger and larger and then Liam told him to relax the flow, Toda then thought since his magic is connected with that of Eros, he could control the flow with impact scale, "Use Unique skill(IMPACT SCALE) output—10%."

After the command the wave and flow of magic could be seen reduced, though it was reduced it wasn't reduced to a thread form it was still gushing showing that 10% from Eros was a great deal of magic, but Toda wasn't bothered because he could handle the flow at 10%, when he calmed the flow he drew the magic from Eros into him, when it got into him he felt immense power and then he got a notification, 'celestial mana absorbed, Mp, Hp and Cp increment has began, summation will be complete in 20,50,70---' Toda then got another message,

'Your status has now increased,




You have also acquired new skills.'

Everyone in the class experienced a lot of changes and was all in shock how metal hold powers beyond their peers, Liam then spoke, "by the looks on your faces you have all noticed the surge of power within you, let me simply explain this power boost, the catastrophe class arms triple your whole stat, while the calamity class doubles it, you can confirm this at the guild, the power boost will remain as far as your connection with these arms remain, but once it is cut you will return to the way it is, but if you keep levelling yourself up while the connection remains it will be added to your normal stat, for every 1000 stat gained you have 3000 for catastrophe and 2000 for calamity, and finally our deal of the day, after this you can all go home and prepare for moving out in 10days, for creating a connection with your arms, you have gain five skills for now, (Awaken, Activate, release, unbound and Call), you all know what the awaken is used for, the activate skill will set your arm in combat mode, use the release after you have gotten your Err stones to unleash your arms true potential, unbound will put a seal back on your arms and the call will draw your arms to you no matter where you are, now try the awakening this last skill and we'll call it a day."

Toda saw the skill Liam spoke of, tried awakening his arm but it was a no show, he then looked at others and they were all wording out as though they were talking to their arms, Toda then tried it, while holding the hilt, he put the other hand on the blade and worded, "Sacred Arm EROS awaken."

The sword glowed and then it was as though it shed, revealing a black coloured blade a golden hilt with a dragons head on it, on one side of the blade 'EROS of lust' was inscribed, while on the other side 'OATHBREAKER' was inscribed everyone's arm was awakened successfully, Liam dismissed them with the message of them meeting in 10days, when they got out night had fallen, Toda was contemplating where he'd sleep and then Gaius comes dragging him home with him.

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