
" Tell me, how do we earn money? I think after giving away most of it, we are just left with enough to only survive this month." Dawn asked his followers.

" I don't think there is any way for us to earn money in this place unless you want to become a bandit," Felix replied to Dawn.

" We can sell their weapons, they are mostly useless," Hans suggested.

" Yes, doing that will help for a few more days. However, our leader needs some fine clothes first."

" Clothes are very expensive, I had checked," Dawn answered.

" How much money do we have?" Hans was evaluating everything and he wasn't sure if they even had enough money.

" We have 3 gold coins, 7 silver coins, and four promissory notes of one silver each."

" How can we afford food for all os us with that much money? The meat will be too expensive." Hans questioned. " Where will we be living?"

" We are going to live here and food will come from hunting. We will only buy things for the ladies and the necessary things." Dawn explained.

" Hunt for food, but none of us know how to cook."

" I do, I will cook but I will need the tools for that," Misha spoke.

" I and Brook will hunt," Felix spoke up

" Hans then you will be coming with me for shopping, Kevin protect them while I am not around. Leona, Luna, and Cole, you guys can rest, let the adults handle everything."

" You are a kid, yourself," Hans complained.

" I have to earn money for all of you now, I can not rest and I may be in the body of a child but I am not a child," Dawn stated, the others wondered what he meant by those words.


" Captain, monsters are roaming in the forest. Few of our guards have noticed them." A guard informed the captain of the guards.

" Who spotted it? Bring him here, I want to know everything." The captain said, ' We would need to evacuate the villages nearby and call for knights if it's a dangerous monster.'

Soon a man entered the captain's room, it was a newly admitted rookie.

" Sir, I had spotted it, it was a wolf-type monster with bat wings." The Guard explained.

" And, you are sure that there was only one?" He questioned.

" No sir, I am not sure, because I saw it not too deep in the forest." The Rookie answered.

" Very well, you can go now." The captain said, ' A Wolfbat is a creature of death, what could have attracted it in the forest.' The Captain was confused.

" Captain, what is the plan after evacuation?" The Vice-captain asked.

" Inform the Lord and tell him to send the knights and request an official meeting, tell him to come here." The Captain ordered.


" How did you get so much money?" Dawn questioned Hans, it was a week ago that they went to buy things for everyone and had almost spent everything they had.

" I found out in the village that those bandits had bounties on their heads." Hans chuckled. " Each one of them amounted to 2 gold coins. I asked Felix and Brook to cut their heads and show them to the guards."

" The Lord himself sent us the money this morning, and he even asked us to meet him. What do you say, leader, shall we attend?" Felix questioned, the others in the group were also surprised by this.

" No, I don't think, now is the right time for us to meet a greater force than us. I have seen their knights, they can easily kill Kevin, and I can not hold them on my own." Dawn replied.

" Master, but I have heard that he is very kind and reasonable."

" Brook I have realized to not trust humans even when they are kind because kind humans also do bad things when they are afraid. I don't want a conflict with them, where I don't have the power to stop the conflict."

' Master, besides this appearance of yours, you are no child. You are correct, Hans and others are just too hasty and gullible because of the generous rewards. I wonder who you are, but I hope I have made the right decision.' Felix thought.

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