Between Two Leaders

" I, Dawn, the god of death welcome Baron Morgan Auster." Dawn gave a noble's now. Morgan was a little taken back and returned his greeting by bowing himself.

" You are allowed to come inside." Dawn offered and showed the way inside to Morgan.

" I will," Morgan replied not speaking more than required.

Both of them entered the tavern and sat at a table with two chairs only. On the side where Baron sat, four knights including Andrews were standing. On the side where Dawn was sitting, Hans, Felix, Brook, and Lock were standing. Misha and others were listening while standing in the corner.

Kevin was also present and was unusually quiet, he was flying above the head of Lock. Morgan too notice him but didn't say anything because he had already heard about him from Andrews.

" I am very grateful sir Dawn, that's what I have come to say today." Morgan started the conversation.

" You are very humble Baron, you should not give the credit to me. It was your knight who defeated their leader.
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