The Reason And Ambition

" I want to hear your reason, you have left me and others confused," Dawn asked.

" The Auster name belonged to my mother, before inheriting the title of Auster. I was one of the candidates for the position of an heir in the family I was born into. I am talking about the Marquis of BlueShield." Morgan started to explain.

" There were several other candidates but I was most likely to be the one to inherit the title. However, after the sudden death of my father, I wasn't able to inherit it. My father's first wife had a better connection and so she conspired with most of the vessel families under my father, and she forced me to give up my position. If I would have inherited the position of marquis as my father wished then there would have been a civil war."

" I thought I resolved everything by giving up my position but to this day they are bothering me. They are agitating the other lords of the neighboring territories to attack us. On the surface, they show me support but they are backs
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