Chapter 3 coming back for revenge

   Lionel's eyes suddenly opened, but as they came into the light, they were no longer pure, humble, or full of self-loathing; rather, these eyes were icy, controlling, proud, ruthless, and they bore the vistitute of time.

    After Leonel regained consciousness, he was no longer known simply as Leonel; rather, he was Gore, the fabled overlord. A person who has fought in innumerable wars, conquering kings and lords until he became the monarch of a whole globe, and even at that point, he still waged wars to conquer other planets. Gore is a person who has fought in countless wars to conquer other worlds. He was simply the greatest conqueror of all times.

   After opening his eyes, Leonel, or more correctly, Gore, gave the impression of being captivated by the first scene which entered his eyes.

   His mouth, which had been covered in blood as a result of the terrible fall, opened, and a sound that was just barely audible issued from it. "A rift had been turn in the sky while I was unconscious, and those gigantic hands widening it, isn't that a creature from the ruins realm?"


  " as It appears, the moment I made contact with the aura in my dream and awakened my true self, an interworld link was created. As a consequence of this, the ruins realm is now connected to this mortal world."  


  "When evil beings from the ruin real begin to arrive, I can't help but feel sorry for all of the inhabitants of this planet because they are about to be pushed down the path that leads to oblivion. This shouldn't have any bearing on me at all; rather, I should make preserving my life my number one priority."

"How am I going to live when I have lost all of my powers as a result of my fall, and I have now fallen into the body of this feeble mortal who is probably unable to cultivate?" 

 "What viable actions should I take when the chaos begings after the creature of the ruin realm descend on this world?"

  "Should I just leave this mortal body here and perish when the dark creatures from the ruins really descend, or should I find somewhere to hide in so that I can prolong this life and hopefully find ways to cultivate with his mortal body?"

    "No, none of these options are viable fore me. If I do either of those things, then my pride as the most powerful monarch and conquerer in the universe will be lost, and I will not do either of those things. I will neither surrender to the wretches of the ruins realm, nor will I ever attempt to hide myself from them."

  "If these two options are not viable then what actions should I take?"  As Gore finished speaking, his lips froze in place as his final words came out of his mouth, and his eyes gleamed with joy when he sense something interesting.

   Just now, as he was drawing in a deep breath, his entire body started to tremble, and he felt a connection to the aura that is located somewhere on this planet, in a region that is quite a distance from where he is at the moment. In other words, the chaos aura he sensed and assimilate in his dream actually exists in the real world.

  "In the real world, I sense the presence of the chaos aura in a far away place.. if I can get my hands on it, then I should be able to cultivate, and then making it through this post-apocalyptic situation shouldn't be a problem for me." Gore beamed.

  "I need to get a grasp on the aura... In order to be able to live, but first I need pay some interests, how dare those peasants raffle me up like this!" As he spoke these words, he leaned forward and his eyes, which were filled with an intense desire to kill, rested on Arnold and his companions. 

    Gore twisted his body in a number of different ways in an attempt to lift himself up off the ground. He was able accomplishing moving his body because his soul had made contact with the chaos aura while he was in his dreamlike state, and almost all of his internal systems, including his seriously injured skeletal system, had recovered dramatically due to that reason alone.

    his physical body underwent a metamorphosis that even he is unable to phantom now because it was too profound. As a direct consequence of this, he did not experience a great deal of difficulty when it came to moving his body. 

  The crowd that was encircling him appeared to be in a state of disorder. People were gazing at and pointing in the direction of a pair of enormous hands that appeared to be opening up the hole in sky which contains a dark void beyond it. 


    Everyone there agreed that this was the most horrifying sight they had ever seen. They were all interested in discovering where it led, whether it was to hell or to a world populated by extraterrestrial beings.

  A significant number of people who were in the center of this chaos witnessed the long-forgotten Lionel, who's body should have been changed into mush and who was assumed to be dead, suddenly rising from the ground like a walking dead.


 "Did that dead body simply miraculously rose out of the ground?"

"What in the world is going on!"

   While everyone was exclaiming in panic, there was one hysterical fellow who turned things up a notch. "Ah, he's turned into a walking dead; I knew it; it must be the gate of hell opening!; this lad must have committed a terrible sin when he was alive to mack the gate of help appear for him." 

  The sudden rise of Lionel startled the crowd, and as a result, the people were so awestruck by the astonishing sight that they were unable to move from where they were standing and froze instead.

   "Arnold, I have come back for revenge!" Gore shouted out as he stood up, and as he marched towards Arnold and the rest of the group, he fixed them with a death look that sent shivers up and down their spines. 

   Upon hearing Gore's words, Arnold and his friends started shaking, and the expressions on their faces showed that they were experiencing a mixture of surprise and utter horror.

  Arnold was certain that he was living through his worst nightmare at that very moment. The fact that someone who had just passed away in front of him in the most gruesome way possible (having his entire body crushed) suddenly came back to life and yelled out his name and claiming to come for revenge while staring at him in a horrifying manner is something that made his heart pound in utmost fear.

   "Li..Li..Lionel!" Arnold exerted a significant amount of effort in order to get these words out as Gore continued to creep inexorably closer to him. "Stay!….Stay! Away… stay away from me!"

    In spite of his yell, howere, Gore did the opposite of what he said. He jumped in front of Arnold and hit him in the face.

    Arnold was so frozen with fear as a result of Lionel's resurrection that he was unable to react in time when he was hit in the face by the fist. As soon as he became aware of what was taking place, a terrible pain began to seize his head, and he immediately lost all awareness of his surroundings. The next thing he knew, he was already lying on the ground and he couldn't even remember how he got there.

  The following thing that he saw was Lionel over him while simultaneously launching a constant torrent of strikes into his face. The fact that he had just been beaten up by the worthless bit of garbage which he had always looked down on sparked a raging flame of hatred within his heart. At this same time, he felt ashamed and embarrassed.

    On the other hand, his who were standing behind him, watched everything unfold without coming to his rescue. They were overcome with immense anxiety and the mere sight in front of them was too overwhelming for them to grasp. How can a dead person come back to live and suddenly starts beating up someone as revenge? This is just too inconvinsible.

    Even the majority of the crowd reacted the same way as they did and froze up when they saw what was happening.

   When Arnold was unable to bear the embarrassment any longer, and his rage had long since overtaken his fear of the walking dead that was on top of him,  he began struggling and making attempts to fight back against his assailant. He was unable to take any more of the humiliation.

  He didn't give it any more consideration before he wildly launched his fist at Lionel's face, which he did in a rage. However, Gore was not easy to deal with. Every sign of resistance just resulted in his victims experiencing even more agony and pain than they already were.

   At the exact same time that Arnold's hand was inches away from his face, Gore's hand grabbed it in a devil's grip and forcibly jerked it to a corner, twisting it until the sound of Anolds's bone shattering resounded in the ears of everyone who was close enough to hear it. 

   Arnold let out a piercing scream after his hand was brutally snapped, but Gore only smirked in satisfaction as he continued to slam Arnold with significantly more force than he had before.

   Due to the brage of punches, Arnold's face continued to become horribly disfigured and his blood continued to splatter on the ground. As it appear, it dosn't look like Gore was going to stop until Arnold was no more. 



  "Guys. Come on... Help me!" Arnold summoned every last bit of strength in his body and cried for help as loudly as he possibly could.

    As soon as his buddies heard his cry, their eyes displayed signs of uncertainty while they fought their fear on the inside. At the completion of everything, one of them tightened his countenance and charged at Gore, swiveling his legs to meet with gore's face as he did so. Gore was knocked to the ground as a result of the attack.

   When Gore was knocked to the ground by the kick, Arnold was taken into custody by his three friends; nevertheless, the faces of Arnold's companions grew somber by Gore was did next. 

   "Haha hahahahah!" Gore proceeded once more in the direction of the others after getting himself up off the ground and letting out a horrific cackle of laughter.

     While the other two were holding Arnold, one of them broke away to confront Gore. While doing so, he brandished a small knife and made a threatening gesture. "Stop… don't come any closer or I will cleave you into a thousand pieces!" 

    The only thing that Gore did in reaction to his moving forward was smile. It amused him greatly to think that a mortal weapon would be used to intimidate him into retreating; did they seriously believe that this item could cause him to have even the tiniest bit of a second thoughts? 

    The young man became enraged when he observed that Gore did not halt his steps and instead proceeded to get closer to him. As a result of this, the young man brandished the little knife in the direction of Gore's elbow.

  Gore was able to maintain deft control of his body and easily sidestep the small knife before grasping the hand that was holding the blade, yanking it behind him to pull the youngster closer, and then punching the youngster's in the face.

  The youngster's eyesight went entirely black in an instant, but he was jolted awake by a painful pain as Gore wrenched his wrists to take the small knife away from him. Although his vision had gone completely black in an instant, he was still able to feal the excruciating pain.

  After snatching the weapons, Gore did not waste any time, he went for the kill. He accomplished it by slashing the young man's throat open with a single stroke of his small knife. 

   The youngster's blood gushed out of his neck and sprayed all over Gore's face as his body was flung into the ground, but that didn't stop Gore from delivering another slash into his gut and carving out his intestines.

    Arnold and his two other friends who were holding him felt as like their hearts were going to burst out of their chests as they witnessed the display of cruelty. several individuals in the crowd also to let out audible gasp.

  Gore walked up to Arnold and the other people with a sneer on his face once he had completed dismembering the young man's body with the small knife. 

     Arnold's friends shivered in fright as they saw the tragic faith of their friend, even though every cell in their bodies was urgently pleading with them to flee as quickly as possible from this devil, the insisted on staying but when gore turned to stare at them with while grinning like a devil,  they quickly gave in to their fear.

   Arnold was left lying on the ground when the others fled in terror at the sight of the devil's grin, which was all it took to throw them over the brink. They were driven to the limit of their tolerance without Gore even acting on them.

    As the terrible Lionel, who Arnold had always bullied and even forced to commit suicide, inched closer to him while grasping the blade and sneering at him like the devil, Arnold soiled his pants.

   "Arnold, the time has come for you to leave this world!" Gore said these words as he leaned forward and inched the knife closer and closer to Arnold's neck as he planned to slit the latter's throat. 

  "Please do not do this to me.. Don't kill me.. Stay back…..don't get any closer. I beg you, don't.. Kill me.. I don't want to die.. Arnold shouted as loud as he could and begged with all of his heart to be spared from the punishment. He begged to be saved from it as loud as he could but this pleas fell in a deaf ear.

   In response, Gore smiled brightly and said, "am afraid it's too late, you should have thought about that when you forced me to the brink of death." Gore was referring to how Arnold had driven him into committing siucide.

   At the end of his sentence, Gore brought the short knife up to Arnold's neck in an attempt to stab him, but the action was stopped just before it made contact with Arnold's neck, and the knife did not go any further.

   Arnold was perplexed by this, but he was ecstatic to learn that he had averted death, and he even started expressing his gratitude to Gore for spearing his life. On the other hand, the following word that came out of Gore's mouth made Arnold wish that he had already left this world. 

    Immediately after the knife came to a stop on Arnold's neck, Gore shifted his focus to a specific man in the crowd who was pointing a gun in his direction. "You had better not pull the trigger on me or I will make sure that this scumbag dies before I do, and even if I die from your bullet, I might just come back to life again and come after you!, it's your choice, take it or leave it."

   After listening to Gore's utterance, the guy put down his gun and mumbled "damn it." 

  This particular individual served as Lionel's and Arnold's college lecturer. After seeing Gore's display of cruelty, he was convinced that this was no longer Leonel, the student he lectures, but rather some devil who had revived in his student's body. As a consequence of this, he made the decision to put an end to him by blowing out his brains, but by the time he realized what was happening, it was too late.

    On the other hand, he was not the only person who had this thought; the vast majority of those in attendance found gore's action to be intolerable. The lecturer, on the other hand, was the first person to respond by taking action as a result of it however, the Gore in front of them was too cunning and sharp.

    Gore did not instantly kill Arnold after he realized that crowd were not pleased with his action; but, this did cause him to experience some degree of mental composure. He was well aware that acting in such a manner in this environment would be detrimental to him, as everyone who shared the same ideology as his lecturers would immediately attempt to kill him if he loses this hostage.

   "So hateful, All of you are cowards, you didn't dare complained when they acted against me some moment ago and put me on the brink of suicide but you actually gang up on me when I exert my revenge!" Gore howled out indirectly.

  He stepped behind Arnold and held him up while maintaining his grip on the blade that was still on the back of Arnold's neck. Arnold was helpless and unable to move as long as the knife remained on his neck and at the same time, no one could act because Gore could easily put an end to the hostage before they do so.

  As Gore dragged Arnold toward the car while holding him as a hostage, most of the crowd traize them with their eyes as then entered it.

 " Drive now, If you don't drive, I'll rip you to shreds like an old piece of flesh!" As soon as they got into the car, Gore issued a threat to Arnold in an effort to coerce him into taking control of the vehicle.

   A moment later, the automobile drove away from the place while the eyes of the crowd were riveted on it, but to everyone's amazement, no one offered to follow after them. 

  They were all petrified that Gore, the devil would come after them if they failed to kill it, or that it would resurrect itself as soon as they put an end to it, all of which were equally terrifying possibilities that they could not gamble upon.

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