Chapter4 The Beginning Of An Apocalypse

  As soon as the automobile disappeared from the crowd's line of sight. everyone let out a collective sigh of relief. On the other hand, a few members of the college staff who had connections with Lionel's uncle, who is also Arnild's dad, called him up and briefed him about everything that had gone place over the course of the previous several hours.

   Despite the fact that it is quite possible that this phone conversation will result in a great lot of difficulties for Gore in the future, Gore is too far to be bothered about this right now.

    precisely one hour after Gore fleed the scene with the hostage, another horrible incident occurred, which caused the crowd to tremble in terror and send forth vibrations across the area. At this moment, the authorities have taken over the location but they still couldn't drive away the people because the strange phenomenon happening in the location was just too eye catching.

   It was right after the giant hands successfully widened the fissure into a spherical and wide hole that reached every cover of the collage and completely swallowed the upper portion of the college, the giant hand withdrew back into the shadowy vacuum that it had initially emerged from.

"Hey, did that thing just retreat?" A police chief who looked like he was in charge asked a couple of corps beside him.

"Yeah, that monstrous demon's hand has completely vanished so of curse it retreated!" One of them answered with an assured look. "The fact that the devil who revived kidnapped the child is the most likely explanation for this!"

   Obviously Gore was the devil the police man was referring to.

  However, the restless people around the scene who had an interest in the giant hands and hole in the sky and wanted to study and comprehend it, felt a sense of loss when the hand disappeared because their targeted foreign specimen had retracted back to were it came from.

    This caused them to feel as though they had lost an opportunity to learn more about the specimen. 

  As for others who saw the phenomenon in a bad light, the disappearance of the giant hand in the sky made them feel like they had avoided a blooming crisis. As a result of this, they started rejoicing.

  However, the moment when somebody cried, "why isn't the hole in the sky closed! " These individuals rapidly came to the realization that they had overlooked an important truth. Like that person said. Why hasn't the hole in the sky closed yet, is the giant monster really retreating or is it building up momentum to invade into this world?

  People around were filled with questions however, they weren't given much time to contemplate about the sudden retreat, few minutes after the sentence about the unchanged hole in the sky was pronounced, a massive rumble that rocked the entire area reverberated in the sky, and the humans below almost lost their standing owing to the jolt generated by the viberation.

   A shadowy figure that was shrouded by a black smock abruptly descended from the big hole in the sky and crashed down into the ground with a loud pounding sound. This transpired in the midst of the intense rumbling that was taking place in the sky.

    The figure fell right in the middle of the crowd, and the force of the hit caused a cloud of dust to spread out across the space in every direction. In addition, everybody who was within three meters of the location of the collision was blown away by a wave that was created by the impact of the collision.

  "Ahhhhh!" The sudden descent sent the crowd screaming out of fear, and everyone started running as quickly as they could in order to save their own lives. Even those people who had been knocked off their feet by the wave got back up on their feet and started running away as quickly as they could without giving the situation a second thought. The police started retreating into a safer location too.

    Despite the black smoke that was all around the figure which obscured them from seeing it clearly, everone was still able to determine that this very figure was bad news.

   A crackling sound reverberated from the figure as the crowd fled but when the sound entered everon's ears, they went from merely running for their lifes to running desperately as if they were deranged people who had completely lost their minds. 

    All of those who got even a brief sight of it had a feeling of terror that was beyond comprehension, and their flight from danger quickly escalated to looking more like that of crazed people who had lost their minds.

"Oh my gosh, what is that? It's a monster..."

"I have never come across anything that was so horrifying!"

" Go.. run faster!, faster!"

  The monster was sinister and malevolent, It had the appearance of a humanoid creature, but its body was made out of a charred skeleton that showed signs of decaying flesh.

    The hideous creature revealed itself to be a monstrosity as its body came into full light following the emission of a cloud of dark smoke from its mouth. Its gigantic body appeared to be five meters tall, and it had three bald heads that were composed of putrid skin in a variety of shades of green. It's was clothed in an armor that was covered in scales. A python's head was stabbed into the top of the skeletal staff that it was carrying in its hands.

   The dreadful creature, which seemed to have sprung from the underworld, aimed its penetrating gazes at the crowds that were scurrying around in fear. While it communicated a message that had the potential to alter the course of history on this planet, each of its three sets of eyes shone with a spectral green light, and the lips on its three faces opened and closed at varying intervals.

  "I Darkspong greet you, dwellers of this mortal realm, today your fates are about to undergo a transformation that is going to be absolutely catastrophic!"

    Unfortunately, the scrambling crowed only stared at him with a look of confusion as his words rang out. They had no idea what the hell he was saying.

     Upon seeing that the mortals were starting at him like idiots, Darkspung became aware that they were unable to understand his tone so he snorted and swiftly infused his divine sense into his voice and made sure that he sent his message to all corners of the world.

   ( Divine Sense : This is basically an extension of a person's soul into their environment, and it is done so in order to carry out particular activities such as soul attack, psychic communication, or even deciper into their environment in order to locate some truths that are beyond the capacity of the sights. Theoretically, This is referred to as psychic powers.)

    Wherever it was on the planet, in every continent, every country, every city, every town, every village, every hamlet, and in every habitat, Darkspung's voice echoed in the heads of all living things regardless of whether they were humans or beasts.

  "Those listening in all of the nooks and crannies of this mortal realm, beware, my father has given this realm to me, and from now on, it has become my toy; I may do whatever I choose, so I decree that all sentiment beings in this mortal realm should becomee food for my underlings!"

  All the living creatures in the world were greatly alarmed by Darckspungs voice suddenly resounding in their head but there were even more so when they heard his message however, his next sentence would completely shatter their minds when they hear it.

    "Descend, my subordinates, in the name of the great father, and you shall all gorge yourselves on the blood and flesh of every living being in this mortal realm until there is nothing left of them but bones!" "Descend!" 

  Soon after this last words tolled in their heads, piercing howls could be heard as a multitude of creatures of varying types and forms came out of the pitch-black void that was in the sky. They descended on the ground to eat without any hesitation as they glided in the direction of the humans who were running away.

  The music that was playing in the atmosphere was characterized by loud screams that could be heard from a great distance, the sound of flesh being torn apart, and the sound of bones cracking.

  Darkspung erupted into an uncontrollable fit of laughter and squelched with glee in the middle of this dreadful scenery. "Hahahahs, you poor animals of this mortal world! Despair before my underling's reign of terror!"

   The terrifying event that took place in the center square of the college campus did not just take place in this one area; rather, it took place in particular places all over the world. The sky was pocked with cracks, and what looked like two gigantic hands would emerge and stretch those cracks into enormous holes, from which the creatures of the ruins realm would emerge in droves. 

    Soon, other types of creatures that were on the same level as Darkspung came in certain spots and made their own individual declarations, as if the situation wasn't already awful enough as it was. 

  When one horrible sight or set of events was reported after the other on by media situated in every corner of the planet, the entire human race was put into a state of panic.

 The human race is new threading on the road of extinction if effective and timely action is not done.

    In an effort to avert the disaster, governments from all over the world have made measures to bring the people under control and have even deployed a variety of different sorts of military aids to fight against the creatures of the ruins realm but are the efforts that are now being performed truly enough to avert the crises? Can the military and all arm forces prevail against these vile creatures?

    However, before things progressed to this point, before Darkspung even showed up, A few hourse ago, shortly after Azraf had made his escape from the college square, the short knife was never taken from Arnold's neck for even a single second because he was afraid of being tailed, Gore didn't dare relax his vigilance.

   After some time passed, Arnold was able to push through his apprehension and ask, "Just.. Where are we going?"

 "Home… drive me to our house and I'll let you go" Gore mumbled, and he nearly couldn't wait to exact his retribution on that bastard aunt of his who was the most evil of all of them. 

   "When we get back to the house, what do you have planned to do?" Arnold inquired anxiously. It seemed as though he had gotten some information from Gore's eager glance. Gore's expression was one of anticipation had made his thought trail towards his mother.

  "Just shut up and ride me home or I will just slaughter you and toss you out before I take the wheel and crash into the house to do the things that I ought to!" Gore eventually lost his temper but even if Arnold is now aware that he was out for his mother there was nothing Arnold could do to stop.

  Arnold was so terrified that he couldn't stop shaking as he followed Gore's orders to the letter. After coming to the conclusion that the circumstances would not improve until he was able to outwit Gore in some manner, he concluded that it would be best for him to keep his life for the time being, despite the fact that he was concerned about his mother.

   Arnold, who was constantly being threatened by Gore, drove the car in the wildest manner imaginable till they finally got to their destination. 


  When they got to their destination, Gore got out of the car and dragged Arnold inside the house because Arnold was reluctant to move, he was not exited at all about coming back home.

   At the same moment,  a second vehicle was seen speeding down the road toward the house from a distance of thirty blocks in what appeared to be a breakneck manner. 

  The car was driven by a middle age man who looked like the order version of Arnold. This man is Christopher greives, Arnold's dad as well as Lionel's uncle. He had been rushing over here from his workplace after he heard the news from several college staffs and since then he had a stronger hunch that Lionel was likely to come back home and take revenge on his wife who had hurt him the most.

   Inside the vehicle, He kept a stern expression on his face while also retaining a solid grip on the weapon he was clutching. "You have the audacity to cause harm to my son, Lionel; you had better not let me catch you or else it would be the end of you,"

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