
Dave arrived at a door marked with the number 24.

Dave responded, "I suppose this is my room number."

He opened the door and walked in to find three guys cheerfully chatting.

The boys he met there stopped talking when Dave walked in and turned to face him, thinking that he should be the fourth man.

The young man with blonde hair stood up and responded, "You must be the fourth guy."

Dave answered, "Uh, hmm, I guess." trying his best not to get too close or too friendly with them.

Then he welcomed him, saying, "Welcome. My name is Joshua."

The other two followed suit and got to their feet as well.

A tall boy with a scarred face introduced himself as Peter and said, "Nice to meet you."

The handsome boy said, "You can call me Henry."

Although Dave was taken aback by their friendliness, he wasn't easily duped because he has more experience with brutal realities than anyone.

Dave introduced himself and bowed his head slightly. "My name is Dave. Nice to meet you all as well. Please take care of me. "

They laughed, "Hahaha."

Henry asked, "What's that about, Dave?"

"Huh?" Dave was perplexed by their response.

Joshua asked, "Why did you bow, brother?"

Dave rubbed his head and giggled apprehensively.

Dave put down his belongings and sat down with the guys.

As long as they played inside, they got along just fine.

They joked about, chatted about, and showed off their skills while playing computer games.

"During our four years at the academy, we are required to date girls," Henry stated.

"But that's not why we are here," Peter replied. "Remember that there are supernatural beings out there on the loose."

Henry said, explaining, "I know, but at least during training we can have some small amount of fun. Look at it this way, all we do is train and train, then one day you perish in a war. I mean, won't you regret dying as a virgin or a party pooper?"

Joshua answered, Count me in, but I don't know about them.

Henry exclaimed, "Great!"

"Though I'll give it some more thought, I still stand by my promise," Peter remarked.

"What a bitter loser you are, Peter," Henry said and questioned as he faced Dave. "What about you, Dave?"

"Uhmm... I don't know; I've never actually contemplated dating a girl before."

Dave responded, "Anyway, it's a lengthy tale, and I don't want to talk about it".

"Alright, I get that. So it's just you and me, Jay," Henry said.

Joshua remarked, "Yeah, I guess it's just the two of us. I bet they'll come back and beg us to take them as our disciples once they see the girls we're dating."

*Hahahaha* Everyone roared with laughter at what Joshua said.

Henry remarked, "Hey, we don't know each other's skills yet."

Joshua answered, "Yeah, that's true. All right, I'll go first, and my skill is the ability to control heat and flames, a level 3 blessing."

"That's cool, or should I say hot. All right, it's my time, and my ability is weapon transmutation and enhancement, level 2," Henry said.

"You are a duo user? "Wow, that's cool."

Joshua responded, "Now that you've claimed that mine was nice, I feel ridiculed by your statement."

"Joshua is correct; it's a neat power of yours to transform anything into a weapon of your choosing while boosting its functionality or enchanting a beast weapon," Peter said.

"Hehe, you guys are making me feel special, so I guess it's enough." Henry remarked as he lay on the bed giggling.

Peter responded, "Well, mine is super strong and a level 3 blessed."

"I knew it! Therefore, it makes sense that you carried those large, hefty crates with such levity". Peter responded to Joshua. "Well, those cartons are light."

"So says the boy with tremendous strength," Joshua grinned.

"How about you, Dave? Since when have you said anything? " Peter was curious because Dave was not joining in the conversation.

Dave was convinced that they were making fun of him since they knew he was a regular person and not a blessed person.

While displaying his wristwatch, which displayed ability level 1, Dave told them, "I am a normal human, not like you guys. I am not blessed with abilities."

"Sincerely, I never looked at your watch, but truly, typical human levels are always zero unless they improve their physical appearance by ingesting the energy of the beast crystal," Peter remarked, surprisingly.

But don't worry, bro, whether you're blessed or not, you are still our brother because we already know each other," Henry said, trying to cheer Dave up and not make him feel bad.

"Yes," Joshua continued, "You can depend on us to always have your back if you ever feel bullied by anyone, and if they do, then they better get ready to get burned." He said this while conjuring a small fireball in his hand to demonstrate that he meant what he said.

Dave was shocked by their response and attitude because he was accustomed to how others in his social group were treated.

"You guys have no idea how much I appreciate your words right now. For the first time, Dave said, and added, "I'll be treated fairly and won't face prejudice because of my incapacity".

"People think differently," Peter said. "Some believe this power is intended to intimidate the defenseless, while others, like us, believe it is proper to use the power to vanquish those dread supernatural beings."

Joshua agreed, saying, "What Peter said is true. Our ancestors who were powerless back then fought tremendously and hard for humanity. They were able to hold on till the rise of the blessed generations. Therefore, I don't see anything fair in oppressing the normal."

Henry continued, "All I can say is I just don't see the fun in doing such things."

Dave thanked the team, saying, "You guys are the best."

Henry remarked, "Let's go past this now; you know what we ought to do; let's go out next time."

They all chuckled as they muttered, "agreed." "

They spent the entire day indoors, conversing and having fun together."

The day after tomorrow >>

Even though they all stayed up late playing video games, Dave got up early. He completed his daily tasks aside from eating a full 10 kg of meat, which he would later do in the cafeteria.

To prevent them from being late to class on the first day of school, he took a bath, dressed, and roused his roommates.

Each person arrived at their assigned class dressed in their best.

A hand was crossed around his neck from the speaker with a familiar voice saying, "Nice to meet you, classmate. I assume we are in the same class. "

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