Prove yourself worthy

Joshua laughed and added, "Hehe, I assume we're in the same class; great to meet you, classmate." 

Dave replied, "I guess so too. Let's move on lest we be tardy." 

In the hallway, as Dave and Joshua made their way to their classroom, they witnessed some average kids being bullied by a few blessed individuals. 

Although witnessing this behavior made Dave furious, he had vowed to keep his distance from other people's affairs as long as they didn't inadvertently cross his path. 

"Hey, stop what you're doing and leave the boy alone." Suddenly, Dave recognized a voice. 

He noticed Joshua screaming at the bullies when he turned around. 

Dave had to stand by his friend in the event of a conflict, even though he was shocked that Joshua was no longer next to him. 

The bully yelled, "Mind your business freak, this guy spilled my coffee and he's saying sorry, therefore I must teach him a lesson." 

"Just for a friggin' coffee, you're beating up the poor guy," Joshua exclaimed as his flame aura began to flow out. "Truly, I despise guys like you."

The bully started to feel intimidated since he had observed Jay's level of skill and realized that the nanotech watch had not been lying based on the aura Jay was emitting. 

As Dave drew nearer, he saw that the bully was none other than the muscular child who often beat him up in middle and high school. 

When Dave encountered the bully at the same military academy base as him, he believed he had been cursed. 

Joshua's ear, but not too close to get burned by his flame, whispered, "Joshua, you should cool down. No fighting on the first day, and anyway, I feel we are being watched by the seniors and teachers who are enjoying the show." 

Joshua regained some composure and remarked, "You are right, I despise idiots like him." 

When the hulking high school bully realized that the person talking to the fire user was Dave, the student he used to harass, and had saved his ass from being roasted, the bully gave him the finger. 

The fact that he shared a military base with Dave didn't make him feel grateful; instead, he became even more enraged. However, he managed to maintain his composure because he realized that the level 3 blessed user was friends with Dave. 

"What the hell are you still doing there, you jerk!" Joshua shouted towards Bobby, who stormed out of the situation in a rage because he was so humiliated. He left thinking about how he would make Dave's life a living hell. 


The host has come across his past enemy. As the child of the moon and descendant of the Fenrir, you must show him that you aren't as weak as before. 

Mission: Demonstrate your worth to the system.

Instant level up as a reward

Punishment: Loss of bloodline 

 7 days}

"Perfect!" Dave exclaimed, "Bobby, it's time for a taste of your own medicine!"

When the two arrived at the classroom marked 1c, they entered and took seats next to one another. 

A stunning girl with long blue hair sat down next to Dave. 

The girl appeared very attractive, and just that alone got the attention of everyone in the class. Some students tried to approach her but were scared off by the icy aura she was giving off—more of a "don't come to me vibe"—so they refrained. 

Although Dave saw her too, he chose not to give her the same attention as the other guys. 

"Check out the cute babe next to you, Dave, you lucky bastard," remarked Joshua. 

Dave was unable to respond before the teacher entered. 

He exudes a sleepy feeling, has short brown hair, and has uninteresting facial expressions. 

"Good morning, kids. My name is Mr. Ray, and I am your classroom instructor. " 

Everyone remained silent while listening to what he had to say. 

"This is the curriculum for your first-year activities, but there is a lot of teaching to be done today." 

"Since you guys are freshmen, we'll be teaching you more theory about what you should know, do, and avoid about the supernaturals, and then we'll be headed to practice where you get to train with beast weapons," the instructor said. 

Then comes a class or school competition, and after that comes field training, where you get to face off against actual monsters alone. After pausing to study their expressions, he continued, "My advice is that you all build up your strength now because you'll all be left on your own during that time." 

The instructor declared, "That will be all for today's class," and then he exited the room. 

The teacher's comments caused the pupils to start whispering. 

As the class left, Dave turned to his left and saw the girl sitting next to him, but he didn't care for her. 

"I'm starving, Joshua, so let's go to the cafeteria," Dave remarked. 

"Yes, let's go; perhaps we'll run into Peter and Henry there," Joshua said. 

The two gathered their belongings and went to the  gathered the

The young lady, whose name is MJ, sitting next to Dave, asked herself, "What was the terrible feeling I received from him?" 

MJ said to herself as she watched Dave walk toward the cafeteria, "That aura, though it's faint, the emotion I received from it was the same way I felt when those blasted supernaturals killed my parents." 

MJ was undecided.

MJ stated, as she scowled in Dave's direction for a while, "Maybe he is a vampire. I must monitor him constantly from now on, and if he is, I am going to murder 

Bobby was screaming in the bathroom, "Damn that fire dude! How dare he embarrass me in front of everyone!" 

He cried, "I guess that godforsaken idiot Dave must have told him to stop me so he could look like a goody tissue. Fuck him!" 

Hehe, you sound like a small man in a rage, a voice replied unexpectedly. 

"Who are you?" Bobby spoke as he prepared to assault anyone to get his rage out. 

A tall, dark, and attractive boy asked, "Easy, or do you want to beat up a senior?" 

Bobby double-checked his watch, which revealed that he was a level 7 ability user, and his badge, which is different from that of a fresher. 

He promptly apologized, saying, "Senior, please pardon, I didn't realize that it was you. 

The senior said, "It's okay, I know what happened to you, so that's why I would like you to join our gang." 


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