The true essence of hunting

Sobek watched closely as the humans dragged some crates ashore and established a base camp. He had no reason to be afraid: thanks to [Ambush] not even a thermal sensor could detect him.

He noticed that humans weren't alone. Among them were some individuals with red hair who were undoubtedly Neanderthals. 'I guess they recruited them to guide them… after all these lands are almost unexplored from their point of view' he thought.

His eyes fell on Ian Malcolm and his companions. He still couldn't bring himself to have met people so familiar to him. God had really played a good trick on him.

However, what he wanted to know was their offensive potential. He counted one hundred men and at least double the number of weapons. Fortunately, there were no missile launchers or bazookas: they were all weapons designed to not raze a piece of forest to the ground. The maximum available was a few machine guns.

After all, it would have been foolish for humans to de

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