052: Quirky Teens In Action (I)

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Doctor Hemmingway looked over at Prosecutor Adams. They were out on an abandoned corn farm with dying grasses.

"Trust me, I've never been so sure of anything in my life," Prosecutor Adams patted the man's shoulder gently, "release the kids," the barked this order at Commander Rodney Brown who in turn spoke into the CB radio, commanding one of his officers and they opened the army trailer, revealing the kids in matching vintage outfits and electronic glasses.

A helicopter was above them, and four men observed these kids through binoculars.

It was afternoon and they had driven far away from civilization to see these teens exhibit their quirks after the experiments were performed smoothly. Doctor Hemmingway and his scientists injected the teens with their specific dozes.

More soldiers arrived in another vehicle and they answered Commander Rodney Brown immediately, after saluting him.

"002, Melissa Anderson please step forward." Doctor Hemmingway had
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