Chapter Fifty Two

When the undergraduate where entering Timothy caught sight of the lady and have the signal to them. They saw her and marked her face. They waited until a few minutes 5 PM when the class ended. They tracked her and invited her out of the crowd of students.

“Hello, how may I help you?” Regina asked.

“Well. We are making some research and we contacted your aunt, Supernumerary Cynthia who directed us to you. We’ve been trying to reach her when we arrived in the school premises to get across to you but it seems she had been busy so we find out way here,” Shane brought out the faked approval papers from the police commissioner.

Regina was a fair lady and kinda tall. He had an uncanny resemblance with her aunt, Cynthia but she was the opposite in terms of shape. He was thin and had a flexible body with a simple face that seemed very soothing from distance. Her book was on her left hand and she bade her friends who ran out of time waiting for her.

She was already convince with the fact that t
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